Flysimware Cessna 414A

I saw that you had posted over in the C310 thread too, so I looked at my C310 and it matches what you say is your 414 default:
lift_coef_ground_effect_mach_table =0.034000:1.050000

Maybe you confused them somehow.

Yep sorry, the original post was refering the 310, I rather would reduce the value at the 414, in my opinion flaring too much.

Wow. This topic is not very active. Is anyone still flying it? I kinda lost interest and fly the C310 now.

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Ok so what’s the setting for the C310 and for the 414 to make it better so I don’t confuse and mess up both of them lol

I fly it a whole bunch. I guess it is like having dinner with me though, if I am enjoying it, I don’t say much!


I understand :slight_smile:

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No kidding though, I am really happy with it right now, even though the developers are still very much working on it still. There is much more conversation about it on their discord channel if you are interested in that.

Discord gives me a headache. I only use it when I have to.

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I understand completely. I only scroll through it to see if I am missing any updates myself.

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I’m still flying both. I use the C310 for low altitude flights and the 414 for anything over 10,000 feet. The 310 tends to struggle a bit with the high altitude stuff.

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It’s the same with most threads. Once it’s been around for a while there is less to comment on I guess. Updates usually create a bit of extra traffic but there is always something else that’s the latest thing. Same happened to the Kodiak and Twotter main threads.

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Like many I think I’m in Discord most of the time I’m talking about it. That said the C310 has put the 414 in the hangar for me. Not permanently by any means, I’m following the 414’s development closely and trying out the updates. I’m excited that it’s helping drive Flysimware to new heights… they’re adding a passenger manifest that shows you each passenger, their name and info and their comfort instead of just having a single comfort bar. I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff (though I hope they put just as much work into making the flight model top notch.) As it stands currently, I prefer the 414 as an aircraft, but the 310 as an addon. I still think the 414AW will eventually return to being my daily driver though.


I have no values for the 414, I wait for the Flight Director showing localizer deviation, which don‘t at the moment.
My prefered value for the 310: flight_model.cfg, lift_coef_ground_effect_mach_table =0.534000:1.550000 but someone might find better.


A flight director doesn’t show LOC deviation it shows you where you need to be in pitch and roll. The LOC deviation is shown on a CDI. In the 414 there is a CDI at the bottom of the ADI and in the usual location as part of the HSI. There are actually other’s too. So my question would be do you mean it’s missing from the CDI or do you have some other issue with the FD.

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CDI is showing the ILS localizer and glideslope deviation properly.
Attitude indicator vertical FD bar stays where you left it, as example when you set HDG mode is shows the roll command to the heading bug and when switching back to APP it stays there.

At the Cerenados Attitude indicator works ok, showing the roll command to the localizer.
Means when being too much left of the localizer it shows me to roll right.

In the evening I‘ll make a picture of being in APP Mode spot on at localizer and FD showing a roll command. Maybe a mismatch between TDS 750 and AP….

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Funny. I check this thread daily looking for the 414 love. Love this plane. Just worked the pattern hand flown at Lihue with rain and low ceilings for five circuits. My absolute go to and could put it anywhere. Love it!


Ok that’s clearer. Yes I’ve also seen the FD not behave correctly. It must be both pitch and roll because I was hand flying the ILS into Malta and I was a little above the glideslope and yet the FD was telling me to pitch up. Have you logged this in the appropriate discord bugs channel?


Thanks for your infos, I‘ll try to enclose the issue as best as possible and will report it there.

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Ok so I decided to do some research and here’s my new setting for the C310 which is perfect for me now. I finally enjoy the landings. It’s a setting similar to the 414 but with ground effect relative to speed. The first number is for mach speed so I think your 0.534000 might be too high to fine tune the ground effect.

Here’s the one I use:

lift_coef_ground_effect_mach_table =0.054:1.10, 0.1:1.09, 0.2:1.07, 0.3:1.06, 0.4:1.04, 0.5:1.03, 0.6:1.0242, 0.7:1.0213, 0.8:1.0161, 0.9:1.01, 1:1


So, this is for the C310? You posted it in the C414 thread.

I think this is getting confusing.

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