Flysimware Cessna 414A

I know we went sideways so I just shared it in the C310 thread… just wanted to close the loop on what we were discussing. :wink:

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According to the website, there is another beta soon and possibly later today I think. Looking forward to it.


Was the two tooltips both showing “Left Alternator” reported?

EDIT: Fixed in 2.0.0.

I believe so yes.

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Yes many times :+1:

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Looks like the update has a slight delay.

I just downloaded the latest update. it’s out now.

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Excellent! Please report back with your findings :slight_smile:

New 4K textures. Downloading now.

Certainly looks a bit more polished. On maiden flight now and so far all looks good. At FL200 35 inches and 2500rpm with 162 IAS and GS of 222kts. It really is a lovely aeroplane and with a lot more performance than the 310, so will get to places fast.


The cockpit textures are so crisp. Just beautiful.


All went well on the maiden flight and everything seems to work fine. More testing needed but with such a lovely aircraft it will get a lot of that and soon as well.


Indeed. Beautiful textures, both inside and outside. The wobbly textures on the engine cowling are gone. And the cowlflap handles now have the correct position, i.e. no longer reversed. Excellent.
I hope atttention will now shift to the flight model. It needs work, both on the ground and in the air.


Indeed…priorities are being given to things that while important, are not fundamental. The general attitude in flight, the behavior and handling on the ground, the landing and takeoff sequences. Now we have very good sounds thanks to the hiring of an external company (the development team did not have at its disposal a C414 Chancellor as I had read … … I could be wrong). Now better internal and external textures (which by the way the community had already started to “fix” via various ways). The mixture adjustment according to the flight altitude is not a problem attributable to this precious development (because it is), that should be solved by Asibo for realism in the operation of the turbosProp. I get the impression that somehow, the development has remained stagnant in its technical improvements in flight and handling. It is not advancing, or maybe it is, but it is not being transferred to the community nor in the releases. I bought in beta phase, I know. At a price that I also accepted willingly (although the other twin you know is not more expensive, and comparisons are odious, I know, but it is night and day). I want to be positive, I want to keep believing in this project. Priorities for improvements and feature corrections please.

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Speaking of which, are the fuel pumps really supposed to be that loud? They drown out pretty much everything else including the engines.


I’ve commented on this a couple of times now over on the discord. Apparently the consulting pilot for this project says they are not loud enough. As with things related to the development of this aircraft, we get told one thing with seeming certainty and some time later it gets changed. Autopilot events and DME decimal are a couple of previous examples. They can be quite loud with the engines off but once those things are running I struggle to believe you would still hear the pumps. I hope this is another one that gets looked at again.


It’s not just their loudness, they also seem very high pitched. Can’t think of anything I would equate them too. Maybe a continuous smoke alarm.

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Just out of interest…whats your opinion on the flight model?. I find it a little unstable in light winds as it tends to get buffeted around quite a bit. Seems a bit incongruous for what is quite a heavy plane.

This is my only critique of the AC at present. Not sure if the FM is something they are working on for the final release?

Sadly after the last update Air Manager pilots can‘t use the C414 anymore because of the hidden variables of the new Altitude Alerter. :confused:

The Dev said that the flight model is still very much a WIP and will be addressed later