Flysimware Cessna 414A

Honestly, I’m not sure if it’s actual modeled damage, or if it’s a bug, but any time I fly the 414 with the throttles on full to where the manifold pressure is up near the “red line” (41 inches), after a while I notice the EGT on the left engine starts to reduce and it loses power. Then the same thing happens on the right engine. If I leave the power setting there the EGT for both engines will hit the bottom of the gauge and I end up with severely reduced performance and speed.

If I am paying attention when this first starts and I start to see the EGT gauge on the left engine coming down, I can sometimes back off the throttle to get the manifold pressure back into the green, and the engines eventually correct themselves within a couple minutes, and the EGT temps go up into the green and all is well.

Again, not sure if this is modeled “damage” per se, or if it’s just a bug, but I see it consistently. FWIW, I’m using a Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant. Not sure if that would have anything to do with why I always see this vs others that can run at full throttle all day long.

I mentioned it just because when I looked at the gauges on the screenshots @SinfulDanTheMan posted it looked exactly like what I see when I lose engine power by running full throttle.

Are you still at WOT more than 500’ AGL after takeoff? 35”/2500RPM to climb, keep that until cruise alt. You’ll need to increase throttle over about 21000 (turbo critical alt) to keep it at 35”. Watch the turbo limits approaching 24000. Then level off, speed up, set an appropriate cruise power.

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Just testing this now. No damage after 5 minutes.

About 10 minutes of caning the engines now, and they haven’t broken a sweat as yet.

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Interesting… I haven’t flown the 414 for a while (been busy with the PMDG 747 :slight_smile: ) but I just loaded up beta 2.0.0 and am trying the same thing. Full throttle 41 in manifold pressure. Flew for about 10 minutes at 3000 ft. with no issues. Climbing to 18000 now to see if that changes anything.

Ok. Here we go. Climbing through FL110 and check out my left EGT:

This is how it starts. If I leave it, the right will soon follow suite.

Here I am at FL120. Right EGT dropping. Losing power in both engines:

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Sorry for the play-by-play. No more power to climb so leveled off at 12500. Can barely hold 140 kts. EGT bouncing around, but definitely on the low side:

Throttled back to 35 in manifold pressure for about 5 minutes and EGT eventually came back up and power is back (check airspeed):

It’s strange, but it’s very reproducible for me. I’ll head back down to 3000’ to see if it is altitude specific.

I’m still going with no issues.


I’m only at 6000ft so I’ll try climbing to FL180.

Just cleared FL120:

I’m at 6000 with no issues. I just thought of something…

Are your cowl flaps open or closed? I wonder if the engines are cooling off too much at higher altitude and I forgot to close my flaps. Going to try that.

Cowl flaps were closed, rods pulled out.

I just hit FL180:

Hmmm. Well, not sure what to make of this. Closed cowl flaps (pulled rods), started to try to climb again with full throttle. Hardly made it to 6500’ before EGT’s started dropping. Power dropping like a rock. Can hardly keep it in the air. Max airspeed 97 kts or so. Definitely different that what you’re seeing.

Not sure what to say. I’ve noticed this from day 1 when flying the 414 so I always have just kept the manifold pressure in the green. As long as I do that I have no problems. Strange.

My sim just locked up, and crashed. :frowning:

I was having some fun bouncing from VOR to VOR in Hawaii while testing this. I never had any engine performance drop issues, all the way up to FL180 to that point, about an hour of flying.

I had just noticed that you can’t seem to use VLOC2 in NAV mode, although the ADF receiver does point to its direction. I had just copied the frequency across in to NAV1, which I had done many times before then, when the sim died. I had a stutter of audio, then it fell over.

Are you running version 2.1 of the 414?

Haha. Yea, I’m actually re-flying Zara Rutherford’s round the world tour with the 414 and was testing this all out while flying leg #44 (UHNA-UHHH). Good times.

I’m actually still on 2.0.0. I’ll update here in a bit, but as I mentioned, I’ve been seeing this issue from day 1 and it hasn’t changed with any of the beta updates (so far).

I’ll keep an eye on it and see what happens after the update though.


i chatted with her at a Q& A recently. super sweet girl, and a total badass. that’d be a fun route to fly in MSFS

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Quite a contrast in airframes… Zara’s Shark has a MTOW of 600 kg; the C414 carries nearly half that much weight in fuel alone! :slight_smile:

How cool is that! Yea, I have been really impressed with the airports and strips she decided to hit on her tour. I find myself researching each airport after I land and finding out something really cool and unique about them. She definitely didn’t just want to do a straight shot (which is obvious if you look at how she zig-zagged across most continents). It’s been a lot of fun.

:slight_smile: Yea, for sure. The 414 isn’t really well suited for her flights because she flew the entire route VFR if I read it correctly, but the 414 was released right when I decided to re-trace her trip and I wanted to get to know the plane better. And what better way, right? :+1:

Here’s my progress so far:


I just noticed the taxi light seems to be attached to the nose gear, and is steered left to right as you use your rudder pedals. :grinning:

I thought I was seeing things.

I love flying the 414 at night for that very reason. So fun to watch that taxi light follow your steering. :+1:

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Developers post from Discord today. For those of you who do not enjoy Discord:

@everyone I heard some users are frustrated with the beta taking so long. I just wanted to relay some facts. We also wanted to get out of Beta sooner. There are several reason why it took much longer. 1. Our autopilot had to be updated many times to work with the GTN750’s as there was changes with the sim and their software and our own bugs. Many users prefer to have all default buttons for their hardware without using 3rd party software and i agree with them. So we are almost done releasing a new autopilot that is almost 100% hardware controlled. 2. The paint Company 3DReach wanted to update their textures as Asobo lowered the pixel density and the liveries got wavy. So they decided to improve the wavy lines the best they can and found a better method to make better overall textures. Yes the new textures are very very nice. But this set us back some time as they had to use an outdated 30 day old model and i had to use that model then re fix all the updates. :poop: But well worth the extra work. 3. What takes 10 minutes in P3D takes 9 days and this was a quote from the owner of PMDG. 4. Out of all of the requested features to be added we decided with the over whelming support it was worth it. 5. So we also invested in better quality sounds from a professional sounds Company called SimAcoustics. All said we are very close to finishing as the majority of what i have mentioned is done. Happy Flying!<a:jammin:854803951811035156>


It is an excellent platform and the developer should be proud of what they have achieved and not too concerned with external pressure although the feedback only helps in attaining that goal of excellence… Just completed a thoroughly nice flight Bristol Dublin Bristol and enjoyed every minute. Well done to them.


There were just these slightly wavy textures on the engine nacelles and a problem with the exhaust gas temperature (and of course this ugly bulkhead mirror that was already fixed by the community…:smiley: ) otherwise the Flysimware Cessna 414A has already earned the badge of pure excellence & perfect cockpit immersion
