For those simmers interested in helicopters

Oh I definitely see that the devs just simply do not have the tools required, they are certainly making great strides in getting them working.

Who are you referring to when you say ‘the best out there’? The Bell is 100% the best out there for MSFS in terms of flight model (even if it is external). It is the only one to model vortex ring states, ground effect, retreating blade stall and the other nasties as well as tail rotor authority being limited by engine RPM. I found none of these in the H135 - I know that this is due to MSFS not modelling rotary wing aircraft natively, but without them you might as well be flying a space ship.


because they use an external flighmodel, no constraints there.
these other guys have not found out how to do that yet.

We Bears of little Brain no nothing as regards vortex ring states, retreating blade stall and the Skill it takes to fly Helicopters.
NB. (please). Hyper Performance Group’s statement ‘Best out there’ was made before the excellent Bell 47 came to the Sim.
We 're looking forward to what is coming with their H 145.


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Ah well that is true then! And I appreciate they are doing all their flight models within MSFS. If they can overcome the flight model issue with their payware then I will certainly pick it up - the Bell is a joy to fly but a tad slow and liable to blow around like a paper bag in the wind!


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The like was for the confident element . Thanks.

Yup same here… At AU$57.88 DCS AH-64D early access will probably be around that price!

I had a look at HP site… I might be wrong or missed it, but none on their H145 description did I find “realistic / accurate flight dynamics and physics” mentioned as of now.

Our bill was $45.14 USD.
The MSFS 2020 Engine does not allow for,…

“realistic / accurate flight dynamics and physics” mentioned as of now.

ps. As soon as these elements are introduced into the Sim, Developers will implement them no doubt.

True MSFS doesn’t support helicopters currently … But the FlyInside Bell 47 site does mention something along this line (although they didn’t say “accurate”), and I’ve heard good things about their custom flight models.

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its very good, they managed to simulate all the dynamic elements.


It’s the first heli outside of DCS that felt ‘real’. I took it out expecting it to be like every other P3d or X-plane rotary and was instantly caught off guard, which was amazing!


2 Likes if possible !

Wow… With their external/custom flight model, they’ve set themselves up pretty far for helicopter development in MSFS then, even without MSFS officially support helicopters.

If they partner up with the likes of Nemeth / Milviz then we could have variety of good looking helicopters with authentic flight models and good physics, even before the official helicopter support from MSFS.

we can hope, they plan to do more helis.

There is an update on the Rotor Sim Pilot helicopter development:

Based on popular vote they have chosen the two helicopters they are going to progress, and the initial development models of both are shown actually flying (although there’s a lot more work to be done). Despite some negative comments above, I still believe this is a good step forward, without having to wait till next year for Asobo to start moving.

The video also includes tips and links for people wanting to to develop their own aircraft, so well worth a look.


We’re getting ready for the August arrival of our 145 by watching how this similar Heli is started up.
.EC145 helicopter start up and takeoff - YouTube
We then watched this Film showing off this incredible machine
H145 reaches 6,200 meters in Bolivia - YouTube


With Rotor Sim Pilot doing the 125, we’re well on the way to a Royal Flush!

Second update for the two new freeware helicopters being developed:

They’re making good progress, and hope to release the first one (or perhaps both) in a month.


Third update on the freeware helicopter development:

Worth watching, especially for the great door animation! A big think you to all those developers involved.

Both helicopters they are developing (the Airbus H125 and the Robinson R44) are flying, but still need work on the internal controls/instruments, and the sound.

They expect one to be released in the first half of September, the other in the second half. There’s likely to be one more development update before then.


Alpha release of the R44 on sep 15…