For those using Thrustmaster T.16000m controls

I thought I’d make myself a list of the default button mappings for the T.16000 stick and throttle before I start changing them.
Maybe this might be of use to others…

Mind you, just because something is listed, doesn’t guarantee that it actually works. I’ve pressed every button [7] I can find but the ‘Set heading’ reminder never goes away! :grinning:

Anyone having difficulty with the TFlight rudder pedals, I found this post helpful.


Yes getting the same issue with button 7 occasionally.

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Great reference for those who have the M16000, I’m having a problem setting up my Thrustmaster HOTAS 4, mostly because of limited knowledge of the vast amount of commands, and lack of experience using them with my controller yet.
It is quite overwhelming trying to remember all the keystrokes needed to manually fly even the smaller aircraft.
I’m not complaining about it, I’m simply saying that my knowledge is insufficient as of yet to master them.
Post such as yours are greatly appreciated for “newbies” such as myself.

I suspect there are plenty of us ‘newbies’ who are finding the learning curve a bit steep at the moment.

We’ll just have to stick at it and remember to share! :smiley:


I’ve found the keyboard equivalent (I think it’s ‘d’ but check) seems to work Ok.

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Thanks. Funny enough 7 on the throttle has worked perfectly since I posted.

Greetings Captains,
I’m using thrustmaster T16000m, I have an issue that when I assigned num 2 and 3 on thruster to nose up and nose down (elevator trim) and saved, but when in game, num 2 still toggle landing gear but nose up in assigned menu. Is that bug?

You have to delete the landing gear toggle.
It’s (luckily) possible to assign multiple functions to a single button.

@PZL104 I’ve also deleted landing gear toggle, but nothing happened when pressed num 2.

Suggest to use the assigned search function to test if button 2 does anything. If not, re-assign.

I’m using a very similar setup with my T16000M for trim, 2 and 4 (because I’m flying with the left hand).

@PZL104 In assigned menu, I pressed num 2 still highlighted (flashing) but not in game lol, so confused.

Have you checked if #2 still has an additional function assigned? e.g. opposite trim of #3?

@PZL104 I’ve checked keyboard assigned, there is not any assigned to elevator trim, and one more thing num 3 doesn’t seem to working too. When I re-assinged num 2 to landing gear and working fine. It’s weird.