For you oldies who remember CGA and EGA

[mild rant]
Part of the issue with the “I’m not getting 150fps - this game is JUNK!!!” crowd is likely the lack of historical perspective.  They never had the opportunity to experience 8 and 16 bit games, (both arcade and home based), so they don’t appreciate the technical advancement that MSFS 2020(+) represents.

Today’s gaming computer was yesterday’s supercomputer.  We’re getting detail, resolution, and scope that was absolutely unthinkable five or ten years ago.

In 1975 I remember watching someone loading up a port of Colossal Cave on a CDC 6600/7600 mainframe system at Brookhaven National Laboratory.  The stacks of punch-cards was amazing!

Dream Aero (the attraction), has a reasonably close copy of an A330 Neo in a “full motion simulator” that you can go fly without having to sacrifice limbs or children to afford.  To get reasonably decent detail, they use a customized version of P3D, (I think), because real simulator software wasn’t good enough.

And wasn’t there someone on a thread here somewhere who worked for a “real” simulator company whose bosses were jealous of MSFS because it made their multi-bazillion-dollar software look like a 16-bit retro game?

We have come far and have accomplished much.

Let’s sit back in our “house mortgage” sim-pit

and enjoy what we have instead of complaining about what we don’t.

What say ye?
[/mild rant]