There are many things that are valid criticisms - the Canadian scenery updates that should never have seen the light of day are my canonical example of poor QA at its finest.
The other side of that coin is that if you’re waiting for MSFS to fix all the bugs, you’re going to be waiting a long time - like forever.
Take boxed-up photogrammetry for example. This is essentially un-charted territory in the commercial sector and it’s not going to be perfect any time soon.
Many other issues might be either teething pains or are simply too difficult to fix within the current codebase.
Don’t get me wrong. A forum topic for “What drives you bonkers about MSFS” is a good thing. We can play “my bug’s bigger than your bug!”, or just compare, contrast, and ultimately laugh at the inconsistencies in MSFS.
What bothers me is the whole “this is junk and I got cheated because bug X hasn’t been fixed/implemented” scenario. To me it seems like senseless trolling - no amount of complaining is going to solve the problem.
Are there things that drive me nuts? Absolutely! Things like flying above the Moscow Canal and seeing waterfalls in a navigable body of water, or seeing the edges of the canal fold up around you like you’re Moses - it’s a bit weird.
However, again IMHO, the positive aspects of MSFS 2020 far outweigh the negative aspects and overall I am quite pleased.