No feedback on why the forums were down since last night? I’d been trying to connect since then.
Looks like an update.
It was getting a 500 server error. What that means to non programmers: CTD
Same, just back in the last few mins. Nothing on twitter but there was an announcement about 5pm UK time on discord - but it had been down all day for me
Well that is one way to keep the forum trolls quiet…lol
I almost missed it today!
Looks like the forums were down for about 18 hours in total. I wonder if any of the board admins will enlighten us as to what happened?
I’m an IT engineer so the more juicy technical details the better, I doubt we’ll get any though.
An official statement that forum is down would have been nice though. I searched the FS2020 officia Facebook and Twitter accounts for an answer why I couldn’t get access to the forum whole day…
Same here - only notice I saw was on discord - I suppose it is the weekend though
The moderator team first noticed the forums outage at approximately 2020-10-24T02:56:00Z.
A Discord moderator posted a notice in the announcements channel at 2020-10-24T06:05:00Z. We (the forum moderators) don’t have the ability to post announcements through other channels (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
I plan to bring this issue up with the Community Team next week to see if we can improve our communication around forum outages.
Agree: I think that would be a good thing to do.
There would appear to be numerous “servers” that are necessary for MSFS to function correctly.
The problem is not so much that they go “down”, but that there is no easy way for a user to tell, if it is their PC or the servers.
What would seem to make sense, would be to have an “Automated Server Status” notification on the Main Home page.
ie like Microsoft Xbox already has !!!
No probs - was observing rather than criticising, sorry hope it didn’t come over that way
Should wish list this - it could cover more than the servers - e.g. MeteoBlue data stream, multiplayer, Azure, etc
Exactly – It’s not as if Microsoft have not done this before for other Game Platforms !!!
Done. You can vote for it here:
It did not, you’re good
Your browser should give you an error code. A user over at the Outhouse initially said he got a “timeout,” which would have been a 404 or 408, indicating that the hosting server was not responding at all. Every time I tried, it was a 500, indicating that the server was there, but experiencing an internal issue of some kind. You can sometimes use the command prompt to ping the domain to see if a server is online, but the router it’s connected to has to be configured to allow that, and this one’s not. If it was your PC, the chances of reaching any other website would be slim. If you can’t reach a page, make sure you’re using a browser that displays the http error, then google that code to see what’s happening. The two that I see most are 404 (bad URL) and 500. Another pair that I see a lot when doing image searches are 401 and 403, which basically prevent hot-linking an image outside of the host webpage.
I assume you mean an HTTP 504?
Edit: The forums were either returning an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error), or 504 (Bad Gateway) over night.
I never saw the timeout myself, so I was just going from past experience. All I ever saw was the 500.