[Free/Professional] Merril C. Meigs Field (KCGX) - Meigs is back! [Reference]

Where do you purchase Pro Version?

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Found the site and purchased the Pro Verison.

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Thanks! Enjoy!

Wow, I’m late to the party but talked about wanting a well modelled Meigs on another forum to fill my nostalgia needs. Just picked up the pro version so thanks for doing this… we (I) needed it!

Maybe we can get John & Martha King to do an intro vid :slight_smile:


So how do we walk through such a beautiful airport? The pictures are very nice, but how do we integrate such work into the flying experience? Where are the restrooms? We need those while refilling the plane to continue the journey. Is there a coffee shop?
I really don’t get it how these airports are built with such details, but how you enjoy this if you cannot walk through. You can only see the outside, you use the drone? I could never understand these masterpieces of airports, when you can only experience the outside, maybe I am missing something…


I downloaded the free version, and then realized how much I enjoy flying in and out of Meigs Field, so turned aroune and bought the Pro version.

Being in Spanish, going through the purchase steps was a little bit of a hassle, but I got there (Google Translate would not work).

Thanks for a great looking Meigs.


You can try while you inspect youre plane on the outside ( it is really worh it ) while using the drone camera, to walk through the doors and experience the joy that develloppers and hobbyists have, while creating eye candy and make others see that there is so much more to enjoy in this wonderfull and very open game/Flightsimulator than flying alinea, which inspires many to create artwork.

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Well, you can actually “walk” through it using the drone camera. This is indeed something I have always missed in most flight sims, the ability to get out of the cockpit and walk through the scenery… this adds a lot to immersion for me…

Btw, restrooms are outside the building on the left wing, and you have some snacks on the vending machines inside :wink:

Thanks for saying. I thought the purchase procedure changed language according to user location, apologies for that. Will look into it. Hope you are enjoying the airport!

Indeed! The game engine of this flight sim is awesome. Asobo did a trully great work. I think this game has a tremendous potential to be further developed. Think about being able to drive cars all around improved city areas, and airports with full interiors, from the car park to the cockpit of you plane. Or missions including getting out of the cockpit and “walking” part of the way to compkete your mission objective. Limitless

That would be something, merging from a flight sim into a car driving sim, and a walking sim, hum…maybe we got something here…
I will try the drone into the building first, see how it goes, thanks for all the suggestions, as a user of X-Plane, I always consider buying airports, a waste of money, then X-Plane does not have a drone…

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Please note that this issue applies to the Pro version: Scenery creators: please move or rename your modelLib.BGL - SDK Discussion / General - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Could you adjust the scenery to fix this?

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I will be purchasing this tomorrow. First flight sim experiences all started at Meigs. Happy to support such great work and can’t wait to load it up tomorrow.


I share everyones affection for Miegs based on past versions but there are so many places where these clever people have added in or back airports.

When you feel a yearn for “something completely different” try adding in Ascension Island and St Helena in the atlantic, 700 miles of open water, quite a way for a small plane and the cross winds the other day at St. Helana! Open position at 1000ft above the open Atlantic . (No flights scheduled, not surprised)

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Thanks a lot for noticing. I will patch it for next update. Thanks!

Thanks a lot! I hope you enjoy it!

Indeed, there are lots of awesome places to discover in the world. It would take a lifetime to know them all!

I had the same issue, Google translates all the pages except the final confirm purchase page. It must be prioritising the input to confirm over everything else.

I was wondering if I was buying it twice at that point but went ahead and clicked on the text in the black box and turned out that was the right thing to do!

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Thanks! I’ll try to fix it asap (I’m obviously not a web developer tough :joy:)

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Hi, I just purchased the pro version from your webpage, but can’t find the link to download it

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