Good News! Meigs is still there, just hiding. MSFS loads add-one in the Community folder using alphabetical order. The Meigs add-on folder begins with “z_”. First exit MSFS. Open the Community folder. Rename the Meigs add-on folder changing the first two characters from “z_” to “a_”. Start MSFS and Meigs add-on airport will appear in the World Map as usual. Just remember the folder name change when the next Meigs add-on is installed.
Any bulldozers spotted? Sorry I had to…
Thanks for your response Pacific. I wrote the author, Guillermo Zuluetta, about this Meigs “no show”. He wrote me back very quickly with the following response (he gave my permission to post this): “Thanks for your email and the nice comments. Some users have experienced the same problem. Try renaming the Meigs addon folder starting with an “a” instead of a “z”. This has solved the issue for them”. THIS SOLVED THE PROBLEM. I’m a very happy camper/flyer now. For the record Guillermo did an amazing job with this once fantastic airport located on the extreme east side of Chicago, IL., USA, just at the edge of Lake Michigan. I am seriously considering buying his “Pro” version of Meigs. His interior details of the buildings are truly amazing. I am also looking forward to buying more of his works. I wish all AI authors were as responsive and helpful as this “artist”.
I, too, am extremely impressed with both the superb quality of the graphics and the helpfulness and fast response of the creator to my questions and suggestions. If there was an award for best airport add-on, this is definitely first place!
I have the same problem. I tried Meigs, KCGX and cgx…no joy.
I just renamed the folder from z in the beginning to bz
Great addon. I hope it will arrive in the ingame store soon
Did you lose Meigs Field again with I did.
I bought the pro version today. It’s a masterpiece! Muchas gracias Guillermo!
Thanks a lot. Glad you like it! Stay tuned for the upcoming updates
i wouldn’t expect them to be visible during daytime…set clock to 00:00-02:00 and you might have better luck
Still no news about the ingame store?
If you’re taking wishlist items I’d love for the helipads to be spawnable. This goes great with Chicago night flights.
I’ve just checked and the application is still pending. I’ll try to contact MS (really hard to do since there is no direct contact for Marketpace applications) to try to speed things up
Indeed! That is planned for the next update (already working on it)
great news, I am looking forward to it
A pity, it looks like it was not meant for this update
The airport isn’t showing up in for me.
All the buildings, marina, and parked planes and ground traffic are there but not the runway and taxiways, and it’s not showing up as an airport on the map.
Pro version 2.2. Sorry the screenshot is at night I couldn’t be bothered to restart with multiplayer turned off so I could change it to daytime.
For some reason updates mangle some of the addons.
Exit MSFS. Open the Community folder. Rename the Meigs folder. I use “aa_guillermozulueta_meigsprofessional”. This puts the Meigs airport at the top of the addons. Restart MSFS.
Indeed as @PacificSet90456 suggests, updates sometimes mess the addon cache and needs to be restarted. The way to force this cache restart is just to rename the addon folder and it should work fine.
If you still have any problem, drop me an email to (sorry but due to forums rules I cannot provide technical assitance here).