Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

Hey Parallel42,

Just noticed something that you might want to take a look at. When using the P42 installer for this aircraft there is an option for “Find More” on the mods screen. When clicked it searches for “FreedomFox” which is neat but I found that that particular search excludes any liveries created for the Fox2 so not all of them are appearing. The search “freedomfox” brings up 2 options while the search “fox2” brings up 8 while still excluding anything made for BT’s poor excuse of a Kitfox. I wouldn’t have thrown the “freedomfox” tag on any of my contributions since I have only worked on the Fox2 and didn’t think about that until I was checking that my stuff appeared using the installer method. Super minor thing but I thought you might want to know about that.

Thanks for my new favorite plane! Hands down best addon that I’ve flown in MSFS and I’ve tried out every single bush plane in MSFS thus far (except the Kodiak).

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