Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

Sounds great for sure! I’ll have to wait until it’s on marketplace for my upgrade but these updates have been getting through much more quickly this year so I’m sure I’ll be flying it soon.

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Anybody tried the update yet? I bought the Freedom Fox on Orbx, think they were the first to sell it when it was originally released. Unfortunately Orbx has not yet released the update.

On their own site you can check if the updates are coming through on all stores. Currently only their own website.


yeah, i am suffering the same fate. so much for being an early adopter, amirite?

The builds have been submitted to Orbx, it’s up to them to publish the update at this point.


They are usually pretty quick. Probably beginning of next week.

“Say goodbye to endover landings.”

Challenge accepted :grin:


Adding an analog version is such a welcome surprise. That will make me fly the Kitfox much more often! Thank you!

thank you. this is significantly clearer than the post on your discord that says, “orbx: unknown”. yes, ultimately they say the same thing but one leaves a lot of room for interpretation and confusion.

i appreciate the clarification


Aargh, still no update on OrbX. Checked out their forum and it sounds like the OrbX app needs an update to work with the new Freedom Fox installers. Sigh.


Has anyone tried switching their orbx profile over to this contrail thing yet? Sounds like the update is available there.

i did this the other day when p42 first mentioned it on their discord. it took me less than 5 minutes and contrail had responded to me (overnight) by the time i was out of bed the next day. i went in and updated the kitfox no worries.

if you’re concerned about being able to update the plane sooner than later then this is the path for certain. @editer this is for you as well :smiley:


While we wait

Ah yes, the joys of launchers. So much more convenient than just downloading a file.


Your sarcasm is noted, and agreed with. :wink:

Just give me a darn ZIP file and let me install it when I want, where I want, and how I want, without having to use an installer. Please!


Maybe the updates have been suspended by the FAA.


I didn’t see this, an analog version! I have the pack from MP, when does that update drop?

It’s not just the launcher, it’s that Parallel 42 has their own updater as well. So the OrbX updater won’t download their own updater… Sigh.

Update (there’s that word again) on the OrbX forum was that the OrbxDirect app update is in testing now, so hopefully soon.

Oh, I didn’t realize changing the profile to Contrail was an option! Off to investigate that. Thanks, @KaelaNikNak and @scoobyx!


We’re removing our launcher from Orbx in this build. That’s what is taking so much time on the Orbx side. Installs are going to be much easier after this update.


does it mean my “fox2 base” version will be updated as well?