Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

It depends on the aircraft I think. And there are solutions (will give some examples below) but it all takes more time to make and then you’re committed to handling that extra work for any future updates needed when core sim updates go and mess things up again.

Examples off the top of my head:
The way Fly Inside (helicopters) have some sliders you can move to make various aspects easier or more realistic. You can adapt it to how you want. Perhaps fixed wing could employ a similar thing for stability / traction / effect of cross winds etc. …some scaler on the important variables of the flightmodel.

The Comanche rightly regarded as being very accurate is totally not hard to fly or land. In fact the opposite I think. Because it reacts as it should it’s more predictable and controllable. But not simplified or dumbed down. Bit it’s modelling a stable aircraft so there’s what I meant by “it depends on the aircraft”.

Like, the Bf109 is super hectic to get up and down (not helped by poor visibility of the runway) so I don’t know how that could be translated to be easier for virtual flying without losing its character. I guess anyone CAN turn on the auto rudder and the other assists. But some kind of half way house might be good.

There are a few warbirds that do have a toggle for easier ground handling already (making it steer “normally” if they have a free-castoring tail wheel for example instead of requiring differential braking, use of prop wash to get rudder authority etc for those without the hardware controls to pull that off properly.

In the end it just comes down to practice and tuning in to the smallest of visual clues. Force feedback would definitely help, like it does with understanding what a racing car is telling you in race sims.

But also there is the fact that the ground handling physics in the sim right now are really quite far away from being trustworthy lol (to put it nicely) so that’s another battle there!

(Whoops sorry that was well off topic!)

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Just pull the stick back the moment you land and keep pulling back while using brakes.


That’s a good idea… share the screenshot… maybe it will help :slight_smile:

and also a speed under 50 and mounted on all 3 or on the tail wheel helps a lot… pull the stick towards you!! …thanks

I am a little out of the loop. Does the FreedomFox installer app still work? I have not received the update through the app. And the changelog link just throws an exception.

How do I get the latest version of the plane?

I’m sure I read somewhere that they got rid of the app for this version. So maybe you can download from their site directly? Not sure sorry, I’m on marketplace version.

Oh interesting. I bought it on Orbx.

Thanks to @Baracus250 for pointing me in the right direction, I think I figured it out.


Just to reflect to some of the posts here, the Fox2 does veer to the left extremely hard on takeoff. It’s almost impossible to catch it, especially without rudder pedals. I wonder if it’s the relatively powerful engine, or because the roll distance is kept too long? Maybe it should be thrown up into the air before the tailwheel would come off the ground? I don’t know, but doing a traditional takeoff seems impossible with this plane, regardless of crosswind condition. Landings are relatively okay for me, the bouncing is only my bad as I’m not exactly a refined pilot with an Xbox controller in hand.

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I’ve done these settings specifically for Xbox controller and STOL/light aircraft after 300 hours of flight time on Series X. I play without any assistance. Hope it helps.

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thanks, I’ll go and compare with my setup.

Do you use FS REALISTIC, I had the same problem with the PC6 from Blackbird. I had to disable a parameter in FSR to recover the good control of the rudder.

The update shows up as a completely separate product that you can “buy” for free if you have purchased the previous version. I guess they wanted to give people the option to revert to the old version of the Freedom Fox.

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I don’t think the MP version will have that choice. I’d rather have that back, I uninstalled it for now. I got a few good days out of it now it’s sharing space with the Mu in the bin.

You could have both.
See here: PMS50 GTN750 Project - #2500 by ScorpionFilm422

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Nice! Do you simply need to install the “In-cockpit bezel - WTT Mode” for the Parallel 42 Fox2 in one’s Community Folder, and it’ll automatically replace the right unit with the GTN750? And this works for the Marketplace version of the plane?

Yes there’s not a mod manager anymore with the new version.

You need to first remove all the mods (this is important as it tends to be forgotten) with the mod manager, uninstall the plane (via Orbx Central), and reinstall the new version. If you bought it on Orbx, you’ll see another version of the Kitfox labelled “new” and it will be free for you to download. If you forgot to remove the mods you can do it manually.

Also, the four sceneries that were originally bundled with the plane need to be “bought” on Orbx Central (again, they will be free for you).

You’ll then need to download the mods you want directly from the //42 site.

More info in this post on the Orbx forums.

Exactly. Works with the MP version too on PC.

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I posted this elsewhere but then found this area for posting…

Love this aircraft but I am having a huge problem landing without at least 6 or more bounces. I have flown other tail draggers but this one is brutal.

Anyone have any tips on proper landing technique?

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Scroll back through the last week or so…lots of musings and tips for this. The recent update seems to make landing especially challenging.