Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

Great update. Well done //42
All pics taken on xbox


Anyone knows if you can interact with the FFOX hangar without Flow ?

No you cant. Unfortunately
Ten characters

I don’t use FS REALISTIC, but it seems that the wheel is just delayed… at higher speeds, I think it is stuck and turns with the whole plane. At a lower speed, it is not so visible. I’m working on it with support to see if it’s a bug or not.

That’s how I solved the takeoff and landing at my place as well. It’s all about speed… flaps down, pull the stick towards you, full power and into the air as fast as possible.
When landing - flaps down, pull the stick towards you too and speed max 35-40 kt… Sit on the rear wheel first… and it goes … it’s easy… Thoroughbred STOL :slight_smile:
Thank you @Viviansen for supporting !! :+1:


Yeah, hope you enjoy my friend. If you’re up to a challenge just try the Savage Carbon and the Grrravel Cub by GotGravel/GotFriend.

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Both excellent by any standard

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Yes, I will probably go to them later. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My experience is that you’re probably too high when flaring. You sit deceptively low in the Fox that it almost feels like your bum is going to hit the ground before your wheels do, especially as the flare is quite steep on account of those huge wheels. Plenty of times I’ve thought I was just above the runway and then promptly fallen like a rock to crash onto the landing gear and bounce around.


It’s not easy to catch but certainly far from impossible. The problem is too much rudder. Better to throw in a little rudder and add a bit more if need be, rather than kick the rudder too much and over correct. I’m not sure pedals make a huge difference - I’d actually argue that my twist stick is more precise than my pedals tbh.

The TM hotas twist is much more accurate than the TFRPs.

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Yup, the TFRPs are naff. I want something better but no-one other than TM and Logitech sell rudder pedals out this neck of the woods. Will have to look to import, but not sure what.

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Even using an Xbox controller i find pretty easy to compensate with a bit of right rudder on takeoff while in the FOX2. It’s pretty much all about the sensitivity settings, i suppose many players are struggling because of that.

I think it’s just lack of practice. When I first flew it I thought it was a very difficult plane. Now I’ve racked up a good number of hours I don’t even understand why I thought it was difficult lol. I just tried flying it with my PS4 controller - no issues, and that was in the Stage 2 variant which has a lot of torque.


This plane, as well as seemingly most other bush planes, doesn’t have a mixture control. Does it have auto-mixture, or does the turbocharger make it unnecessary?

The Rotax 915 iS uses FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control). Basically mixture is managed by the ECU, but it’s also turbo and fuel injected.

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I think the only way to go with this type of aircraft is practice. The new build i find much more realistic with its CFD compatible flight model and the sims updated ground and take off physics. Being so light its going to behave differently in every weather condition every time you fly it so all you can do is pick a regular spot and learn its behaviour in different conditions.
When the update arrived i was finding it a bit harder to hold down without being bumpy or getting Pilot enduced oscillations but now im 65hrs in to her it’s becoming second nature as i read ahead in the situation. Ive found that if you getting ground loops on T/O then trim a little down, sit on the foot break, gently rev up until the tail starts to lift, ease off the toe breaks and gently pull back pressure and you’ll be up nice and straight in no time at all. For landing, read the wind, go nice and slow around 40kts with plenty of flap and use the wing to plant you on your axle then bit of back pressure to get the tail down and dance on the rudder til you come to a stop.
Just remember never chase the plane, read ahead plan ahead.
Yes im on xbox but i do use HOTAS and peddles, i find it easier than my control pad.


Using a controller and the triggers for rudder makes it very hard to catch, not impossible of course but it always looks stupid. But more importantly, why does this happen in the first place? I’ve flown all kinds of planes, tail draggers included and none of them do this. The Fox2 basically wants to drift to the left. I don’t see any factor that could result in this behaviour, not crosswind and definitely nothing on the airframe that would explain it. My takeoffs always look as if I was drunk as heck every time.

You can have a look at this video to understand the left turning tendecies every propeller driven airplane has: