Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

What’s your rudder sensitivity settings ?

To avoid MOST of the left bias on take off add opposite rudder (reducing with increase in speed) and opposite aileron. This will balance the plane as it unsticks from the ground much easier. Almost as if your trying to slip it sideways as you would land in a cross wind

Thanks for the pointer to the FREE Savage Carbon and Grrravel Cub planes. Took them for a spin yesterday. In terms of difficulty, I’d rate them in between the Fox and say the Wilga, so good to practice on these.

Also going to be fun to do Pilotage navigation on these, as they have no GPS/VOR. :slight_smile:

One has Nitrous Oxide injection too. Enjoy :wink:

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Thanks. The physics are understandable but I feel the effect overdone on this particular plane. Of course, it’s also possible that being an experimental construction, there’s just no consideration built into it to mitigate the factor.

For me it’s set to default. Works well for all other aircraft I’ve flown so far.

Default sensitivity is terrible for taildraggers which require precise rudders control. Try this for both rudders:

  • Sensitivity ( + ) - 80%
  • Sensitivity ( - ) - 80%
  • Deadzone 3%
  • Neutral 0%
  • Extremity Deadzone 0%
  • Reactivity 10%

You can also find a video in which i share my xbox controller settings ( it’s one of my last post in this topic ). Hope it helps.

Doesn’t seem to matter. Testing currently, and above 21-22 kts, if you don’t pull the plane in the air as soon as possible then even max rudder is not enough to stop the yaw. Both on landing and takeoff I’m spinning on the runway like a figure skater. If there’s crosswind then the plane turns into it, if there’s not then to the left. It’s simply not possible to keep it straight. I guess the add-on was made with extreme STOL in mind so we’re not supposed to takeoff and land in a normal manner. It’s just not right.

And I even get black screens in the middle of nowhere. Awesome.

Just tried your suggested settings for the rudder and its made a huge difference for me, managed to take off straight and very smooth. Thanks for sharing.

You can pretty much use the same values for the left analogic stick vertical axis ( just add a little more deadzone, around 9% ). This and rudders sensitivity are the most important values for STOL planes cause you need not only precision but also a really modular movement which other sensitiviy settings can easily negate. What most users seem to not understand is that analogic sticks don’t have the same range of movement of a flightstick/yoke. It is way shorter, so if you try to use a 1:1 approach you’re basically asking for troubles.

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This is simply not true. With no crosswind you only need a few degrees of rudder. Not sure what is going on with your system. Below is a video of me doing a take off with my PS4 controller rather than my pedals. I’ve put the sims rudder pedals in view so you can see how much I’m giving it, and I’m not rotating until 60kts just to make a point that you don’t need lots of rudder above 20kts (you actually need less the faster it gets). I’m also using default controller settings, not tweaked anything.

Are you sure you have the stick pointing sideways to windward as is necessary for cross wind takeoff (and even for taxi)? Of course if you have a crosswind from behind then you point the stick the opposite way. What you describe is definitely what I experienced with no aileron input, not what I experienced with correct input.

I don’t know what the cross wind limit for this plane should be, nor how much a sensible kitfox owner wound be prepared to risk. 22kt true crosswind is a lot in a small very light plane.

You might be right, I certainly don’t know, and none of us here are IRL kitfox pilots to offer any judgement.

I practiced a ton of takeoffs this morning and got better at it for sure. I still struggle with landing smoothly, I bounce every time, but I’ll keep at it and hopefully figure it out. It’s been a blast to fly with the new liveries and smoke.

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I think he means 21-22kts of airspeed, not crosswind. Quick google says 15kt is max crosswind for Kitfox.

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Ah maybe so! Sounds either a controls, calibration, or technique issue because I was able to hold it straight even with a 12kt true crosswind and I’m not much of a pilot.

Yeah I only tried up to 10kts, but even that was probably only half rudder max. I was doing regular landings and take offs in 6-8kts last night without too much issue. You definitely can’t just wing it in this plane though, you have to be very mindful of winds. Other bush planes in this game are way more forgiving, but this plane just feels so good in the air that I don’t mind if it’s a bit more challenging on the ground.

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In my case crosswind was 7 kts, but I set the weather to no wind just to have a comparison. I meant 21-22 kts IAS/GS as the plane starts its takeoff roll. As soon as it reaches that speed it becomes very unstable and the same applies to landing. All in all both maneuvers in this plane look like something you’d imagine in a Charlie Chaplin movie. Thankfully once in the air it’s a joy to fly.

I’m still not seeing the analog versions anywhere despite reinstalling the plane. I own the base fox2 from the Marketplace. G3X and flight model did update.

Looks like it’s not included with the base model

From //42 website:


Consider the COMPLETE PACK to access Trent Palmers #FreedomFox, enhanced Fox2 engine performance stages, Analog instruments variant, a Competition variant, and FREE scenery — everything you need for the ultimate bush flying experience!

You need the Complete Pack for the analog versions.
As stated on the //42 website

Seems like @CD0139 was a milisecond faster :smiley:

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