Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

I have the Fox since it’s initial release, and it is definitly possible to take of and land in a “normal” manner.
Even with crosswinds up to 15 - 17 knots.
BUT: It takes practice.
And more practice.
Even when it get’s boring, it’s not enough practice!

No matter which variant (Fox 2 Stock, Slow ‘n’ Low, Competion, Stage 1, Stage2), practice is key.

Speaking of the Stage 2.
This is a hypothetical plane.
An engine with 242HP would never fit into the fuselage!
It is fun to start, fly, land & master this little beast!
For the ones with enough practice.

It tooke me about 8 months to tame the beast and nail the landings, even in a crosswind.

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I was excited about it but it got the new G3X and the analog isn’t much to write home about. Doesn’t have a comfy feel to it, more like it’s a someone who couldn’t afford another G3 unit kind of setup. Makes the G3X more annoying to be over in front of the passenger then any sense of ‘classic’ vibe. I flew them for about 10 minutes and went back. And I like steam gauges. The Savage Carbon has it covered for analog much better. The new G3X is worth it more than the steam hodge-podge.


Agreed…I’ll likely stick to the full-glass screen, even though I love analog gauge planes (i.e. Black Square).

Plus, see my post a few days ago:

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On the new WT G3X, does anyone know what units “fuel economy” is measured in in the data bar? I’m getting numbers in the high twenties so I’m thinking nautical miles per gallon but when I go switch units it doesn’t change no matter what I set it to. The engine management page shows fuel in litres and that’s also not changeable.

I wonder if this is a plane by plane thing or a G3X thing. Anyone know?

Is there a way to delete all but 3 of these aircraft from the menu, it’s a bit ridiculous. I just want the stock, slow n’ low and stage 1 with the G3X, I want to get rid of the other 9 off my hangar screen. I actually think the people that bought the base only had the right idea…

I don’t believe so. I think I’ve seen a Wish List item for FS2020 (maybe 2024?) to implement custom filters on the airplane list (besides the general category dropdown on the upper right).

Asobo aircraft even for the non-tinkerer you can expand the aircraft and delete all the silly MS/XB liveries and you can easily delete folders for versions you don’t want loaded. I tried deleting them and their livery packs and every trace of them in their respective folders and it’s just blanks that remain there. There’s something somewhere that has them listed and keeps loading the placeholder.

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Fuel flow is traditionally gallons per hour

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Yeah, that’s why it’s so curious. In this plane on the engine page it’s measured in litres per hour and no matter what settings you change it’s always litres per hour. That’s why I’m curious about the “fuel economy” measurement in the G3X. If it’s gallons per hour then this plane is thirstier than a Beaver, and if it’s litres per 100 km (which is one of the choices in the menu) then it’s even worse than that!

The fuel calculator displays nm/gal. It displays fuel remain and fuel used in gallons. Fuel flow is measured in liters per hour and your total fuel on board is measured in liters. It’s all crossed up. Not sure but i don’t feel like its right at all.

As several of the liveries are European registered aircraft, would it be possible they are using the metric system that is used over here in Europe?
If this is the case it should also be noted that it has been reported msny times before that the sims conversion from Imperial(US,UK) units to Metric (rest of the world) is acutually inaccurate and causes miss representation of fuel burn and weight.
Just an idea for deliberation

Liveries are listed in the aircraft.cfg which is encrypted on Market Place addons. Since you cannot modify the aircraft.cfg to deactivate the liveries you deleted, they are still loaded when MSFS starts and if the corresponding files are not found a blank thumbnail is displayed. As for the list of variants (stage 1, stage2 etc.) if you delete some and don’t want them to appear in the aircraft list the layout.json file must be updated. The easiest way to do it is using a tool like MSFSLayoutGenerator that can be found on github. Simply drag and drop the layout.json file on the program icon and the file will be updated.


Was the Fox2 BASE also updated with the G3X, etc.?

Yes. I have the Fox2 Base and it has the new G3X avionics.


Thanks for the heads up, now I’m tinkering.

Good grief. I finally culled it down to just the Comp, the Low and Slow Analog, the Base(Fox 2/stage 1) and Stage 2 G3X(sorry Freedom Fox). So only 4 now in the hangar. It dupes the Stage 1 and requires the Fox 2 analog as a dependency for all the other analogs. Just took some texture jujitsu and a json pass for good measure. The wall of thumbnails reminds me of the Hunter before I kept just the FGA9(which was easy to just delete the rest in that case). I went back and forth with liveries left in there or deleted out, didn’t matter either way until after I figured out what to do with the analog textures. I didn’t want a Fox 2 Analog.

I’ve decided to only keep one, the Stage 2 in white. More than enough.