Freelook with mouse causes controls to freeze after SU5

It may highlight a lack of forward planning on their part. Something that seemed like a good idea a year or two back has unforeseen consequences later on in development. Look at METAR blending for instance as another possible example.

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This topic is 2 years old already, I remember when we all first encountered this, its a gamechanger into bad of course, it still is annoying and no fix, Im sure its not something hard to fix as this sure is a bug.


I stopped using FS when this bug started. I hoped it would be solved soon, but now it seems that I can forget about starting FS again. It’s a pity. I spent a lot of time (and money) on FS.


I just got to that part of the Q&A yesterday, and Martial suggested one possible fix would be to go back to how it was pre-SU5, but it would have some side effects for VR users. I would say go with the needs of the many for this one.


Skip to 00:48:58.


Good for them - they are shaking off server load and getting new unsuspecting users to buy the game

Yes. Do it! Make us have the option of having legacy freelook. His recommendation is what should have happened in the launch of VR and Xbox. Please and thank you!


Why can’t the right click just do the same as when you toggle the view using middle mouse button,which doesn’t freeze the controls? Except it wouldn’t work as a toggle but a button. I don’t get how this issue cannot be solved.

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I would say, make it an option you can select in the settings and both sides will work. Those who use mouse freelook don’t use VR and vice versa
 Free-look users can select the “legacy” option while VR users can leave it as it is
 Everybody wins.

But whatever Asobo thinks is best
 just do it
 I am among those who stopped using MSFS because of this bug

 and the horizon line glitch

 I know
 I’m a dreamer
 they said that glitch is “unfixable”


This bug is horrendous. I was wondering why when taxiing my controls kept locking up, I thought I had a hardware problem.


didnt work for me,.

This bug is annoying and it make flying VFR not enjoyable as I rely on freelook function to look around

I hope they find a fix. It will complete its two year anniversary very soon


Okay, your opinion is valid. But the label before ASOSBO you placed is unnecessary, sir. Please keep it accurate to the issue at hand. We don’t need those terms that will hurt someone in the community’s feelings, which is proud to be LGBTQ.

Keep your wings level-Happy flights!


Maybe we should share it in different sim groups as well in order to increase the attention for this topic?

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At this point, it seems we have to wait for MSFS 2024, and even that sequel might release with the same bug. Asobo no longer get the benefit of the doubt from my side.


Now we know why they aren’t fixing this bug and some others that are so easy to fix.
For me fs2020 died today. Wait to understand what will be 2024.
If it’ll be a console expansion and not an hardcore Sim I’ll switch back to DCS and Xp


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Mouse button pressed breaks or stops all other input

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still an issue, crazy


In the developer stream this week they hinted at the fact that they are ignoring all of the bug reports more than 3 months old. Seems crazy to me that they want to just ignore all of these long time bugs instead of patching them!


Is contributing to this bug going to help though, serious question. Because it really seems like its either something that has been put in the “too hard basket” or “doesnt effect xbox users” basket. We have all been harping on about it since it was broken, to continue feels somewhat like flogging a dead horse.