[Freeware] Eindhoven Airport - EHEH (WIP)

Version 0.7.1;

  • Added the ILS Glide Slope (GS) for both runways.
  • Changed taxiway “P” to “R” as it is apparently R according to an insider.
    I guessed P as in all documentation they mentioned only ‘parallel’.

And of course, gotta thank @AwesomeBlack533 for the glide slope info!

Version 0.7.2;

  • Corrected the names of the ILS localizers.
  • Fixed the glide slope locations instead of the wrong side of the runway.
  • Set the magnetic variation of the airfield to 1.

Just leaving this here as well, sharing is caring;

    <Ils lat="51.462503" lon="5.388386" alt="73.3F" heading="34.99" frequency="109.750" magvar="0.0" ident="EHZ" width="5.0" name="LOC 03">
        <GlideSlope lat="51.442828" lon="5.368433" alt="8.229M" pitch="3"/>
    <Ils lat="51.437525" lon="5.360386" alt="66.6F" heading="215.01" frequency="109.750" magvar="0.0" ident="EHO" width="5.0" name="LOC 21">
        <GlideSlope lat="51.456194" lon="5.383767" alt="8.229M" pitch="3"/>

The geolocations and runway bearings are from;