Got the mega livery pack off the discord channel install those and updated the aircraft config to add the traffic liveries for AI works great sitting at flight beam Denver!
Could you please explain how you get the liveries to show up for AI planes as well?
Looking forward to freeware liveries for GA planes. This could be neat. Also, would love a way to try making my own.
If you download livery pack the mega pack the one that’s listed in the discord livery section, in those files will be an aircraft config file. It’s very similar to FSX P3D, there’s a line that says usable for AI, You change the 0 to a 1.
Nicely done. Can’t wait till all the AI have liveries.
Is it possible to set it so that the plane can be both user selectable and also used for traffic AI at the same time?
Yes the two lines are together in the file one says AI usable the other it says player selectable, or something that affect make sure they both have the number one in it.
I noticed that these liveries can’t be assigned both to AI and user at the same time. It causes the AI livery to have a black out where the registration number is suppose to show.
Oh I didn’t notice that!
This would be dope without the sponsors or just make the decals smaller and put them near the aft
I am not sure if it is the best idea to start modding at this point… if the system overall is that unstable for many… this could cause other issues?!
Is there a reason when using these liveries for AI traffic that the registration number appears as a black rectangle on either side of the fuselage? It works fine for user aircraft but not AI. Hope this issue can be fixed as I would love to use these liveries as both user selectable and for AI traffic.
Anyone for Daher 930 Repaint? I got bored and wanted to figure out the the textures, now all we need is a San Andreas airport. It’s the first one I did, looks half way decent.
Hey, nice work men!
Can someone tell me about the “static” neo’s at the gates? Will the AI ever use them? I see no reason to show them by the sim. It seems to mask the poor amount of activity.