Think the first release for this should come pretty soon will get all the very noticable issue’s fixed possibly in the next day or 2.
Scroll down for the link to file for the add-on, screenshots and video.
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Think this edit will be ready for first release tomorrow.
Latest work overview:
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great stuff i look foward to this, local to me eghi
some noticble landmarks missing in the new forest area too!
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So as not to disappoint you I currently haven’t learned to add landmarks into the SDK to add to the sim.
My edits mostly involve fixing tile height issue’s and unmasking hidden objects under the water.
Have added all the missing floodlights from around the docks though and a few cranes have been added.
Oh and fixing a ton of those blob tree’s that are around.
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still sounds fantastic, can’t wait to see what you come up with 
Make sure to bookmark this topic so you don’t miss it.
Hi fellow simmer here is my 2nd freeware scenery add-on build 1 of my Southampton airports and docks edit.
Will add there are some water height issue’s close to one of the Photogrammetry boats can’t fix them without it flattening the whole ship though it was best left as is.
Southampton area improvement add-on(no google imagery) • Flight Simulator 2020
Will download and play tomorrow, congratulations on your release great to see stuff being done in my home city 
Great work. Thank you very much. Are you planning to also improve some of the mesh issues in the area.
The cliffs on the Isle of Wight, Isle of Portland, Jurassic Coast as well as the Seven Sisters, Beachy Head and the Cliffs of Dover (well basically the whole coastline from Kent to Cornwall) are all horrible in FS2020.
Not sure there is the ability to fix the issues you mentioned at the moment, or at least I’m not aware of the ability.
I am pretty new to doing all this editing with sdk so still learning.
But I am planning to fix as many area’s along the South coast of England as I can as it’s my area of the world. I was planning on Portsmouth next have already released a River Thames fix.
Brilliant work. Thank you.3
Much appreciated as I live in Portsmouth.
Can you tell me where the scenery designer is for FS2020?
I want to add some ramp/gate lighting to EGLC as,like the other 37,000 other default airports, there is no night lighting on gates etc.
Really hard to find your parking spot without that awful taxi-ribbon monstrosity!.
Thanks again.
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my add-ons will be up for download via from now on.
Are you just importing Google photogrammetry? Have you added lighting to this otherwise it will be completely dark at night.
No I don’t use any google imagery this is the sims photogrammetry, all my add-ons just use what is available in the SDK I just fix terrain, water issue’s, uncover tons of things hidden by the water and add appropriate objects from the sdk. I will be steering clear from google imports as it is bound to have an impact on performance.
New build is out now have added lighting to the ramps and fixed some blob tree’s visible on approaches at EGHI airport.
screenshot from latest build.
Nice work once again will check these out,
Do you plan on any enhancements to the airport itself? Terminal building / train station/ sheds etc?
Unfortunately making my own buildings is a bit beyond my ability at the moment and I vow to never use google imagery.
For this airport I added those missing red buildings forget the name of them
and Have fenced around the entire parameter of the airport and added cars to car parks where appropriate unfortunately its not possible to place cars on top of the multi-storey carpark.
I saw there is an xplane 11 EGHI made by ORBX so I expect they will add that to MSFS one day anyway.
I started another add-on to add lighting to ramps and buildings at airports and will probably change the lighting and use floodlights in the next update to this Southampton add-on.
New update just released.
-changed the airport lights to floodlights in as close to real locations.
-changed building by tower to something closer to the real thing.
-changed a building near the fuel station for 2 hangars to be closer to real airport.
-added wind barrier.
-added red and white antenna and building.
-tidied up river next to airport
-fixed more blob tree’s by river.
friendly simmer
why can’t I see any boats or ships in the docks or anywhere in southampton.