Oceano airport is a cozy little airport in a perfect slice of paradise. Located right next to the Pacific Ocean in the community of Oceano, California, Oceano Airport is the perfect landing spot for your general aircraft. The airport is near the beach, bordered on the north by Pismo State Beach, and on the south by the Pismo Dunes Natural Preserve. The Pacific Ocean coastline is less than a half-mile from the main ramp area.
All airport buildings have been replaced: airport office and its pilot lounge, main entry gate and his numerous signs, fuel island, executive hangar, airport beacon, wind cone and segmented circle (WIP)… not to mention the famous campground. The scenery is available for free at https://flightsim.to/d/vbazillio/l52-oceano
As all of my mod, this small scenery is made from pilot-eyes perspective. I flew there once in real and I’m an amateur scenery developer. This mod is made with 99% of MSFS default objects library except for some specific objects like signs and the blue and yellow biplane which required “totof- aircraft library v3” available here at flightsim.to.
The scenery is available for free at https://flightsim.to/d/vbazillio/l52-oceano
Version 1.1.2 released with the iconic Dr Pepper vending machine and the real map on the main sign
fantastic. just downloaded. I will try it. Thanks.
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The new version 1.1.5 I’ve just uploaded on flightsim.to includes my second attempt to build a custom building from scratch. Oceano (L52) » Microsoft Flight Simulator
Looks great I’ll check it out!
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Version 1.1.8 adds:
- Wind Circle fix elevation with World Update 10
- New Rotating Beacon tower
- Fix orientation and parking spots
- New runway color (more blended)
- Fix duplicate buildings
Source: Oceano (L52) » Microsoft Flight Simulator
This looks great! I live on the Central Coast, and have flown in and out of Oceano many times (weather permitting.) I’ve never been up in the Stearman though…
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My free amateur work on Oceano has been featured in the last episode of “The Best Free Add-ons”
Small update for the Christmas season
A new texture door for the clubhouse and a textured box to collect fees:
“Fly and Ride” free bike signs:
Christmas decoration
Thanks to the World Update Canada, there are now electric pole (one visible from the field) surrounding the airport:
nb: Electric pole and lines are picked from the World Update Canada bespoke airport objects library
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New version v1.2.1 just uploaded:
- Fix static model Stearman from E.Baranger
- Fix flickering clubhouse textures
- Add open hangar
- Add and change people
Enjoy for free at: Oceano (L52) » Microsoft Flight Simulator
Oceano (ICAO:L52) benefits now of a new textured fuel tank self serve with today’s update v1.2.3. Enjoy!
Oceano (L52), a small airfield on the Californian coast, ideal for light GA aviation is available for free: https://flightsim.to/file/24371/l52-oceano
Thank you for continuing to update and support your airports!
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Version 1.2.6 released
- Fuel is now available inside MSFS when you position at the ACI Jet fuel station
- Replace all runway markings with bigger and close to real
- Resize taxiways to better fit with the underlying Bing satellite image
- Fix apron color error (need more work… and time)
- Fix Vegetation missing or too tense for example up to the Windsock area
…and dozen of other things that only an amateur dev can understand
Starting from this version 1.2.6, the installation folder is standardized : “vbcorp-airport-l52-oceano-upgrade” (instead of the previous old “vbcorp-l52-oceano-upgrade”).
In other words, delete any of my Oceano airport version installed in “vbcorp-l52-oceano-upgrade” before copying “vbcorp-airport-l52-oceano-upgrade” into your Community folder.
A new version is now available (1.2.7) Oceano (L52) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
- Add new free model animated windsocks by TheAirportGuys. Thanks to him! It replaces the default MSFS windsock which is more for Europe.
Caution: new folder installation. Please remove any older version previously installed in “vbcorp-airport-l52-upgrade”. Now the proposed folder in the distribution .zip is “vbcorp-airport-l52-oceano”.
A new version 1.2.8 of https://flightsim.to/file/24371/l52-oceano is now available free to download for PC
- Add Skydive Pismo Beach algeco (north field)
- Replace the Biplane Rides with the 2024 version on the entry blue portal.
- Replace Biplane Rides hangar with an open hangar
- Replace the white WindsockMarker with the real yellow and correct circuit position
- Improve Oceano County Campground (mobile home) on final 11
- Improve South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation
- Improve the car entry gate signs
- Several minor fixes and adjustments
Oh man. That’s some nice work. I had missed this when it first came out but glad I caught it now
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The first version was released in December 2021! 3 years ago. It’s never too late! I hope you’ll enjoy!
v2.0 is now available for free: https://flightsim.to/file/24371/l52-oceano This is the update to make it compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. This version include also some fix and improvement for MSFS2020.
- Fix compatibility with MSFS2024
- Fix Vegetation (WIP)
- Replace several generic hangars
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