FSReborn Sting S4

First, I’m a huge fan of Simbol. I quoted him here, because I truly appreciated his candor and grasp of the situation:

I’d read how well the S4 was modeled with all the realism options and I had intended to pick this aircraft up for quite some time, but it slipped off my radar (probably flying too low, ha!)

Finally, I bought it this morning, thanks to this thread becoming active again.

I had a totally great first flight from L52 to KPRB — both in my IRL stomping grounds. I flew up the coast a bit then headed north over highway 101, up and over the Cuesta Grade and onward towards KPRB.

What I love so very much about this simulator is how we have so many options for experiencing aviation from radically different perspectives. I can take an amazing low altitude VFR flight in this Ultralight with its perfect sightseeing canopy and can pick out and identify all the local landmarks, highways, roads, businesses, parks, my house, etc. and then I can turn around and fly at FL400 in an airliner on an international, transcontinental long haul.

I joined the Discord and I’m super excited to see the Piper(s) headed our way and what the partnership between SWS and FSReborn bring to life with the 727-200.

@SimbolFSReborn your passion and desire to push the envelope is what gets me so hyperactive-kid-on-Xmas-morning excited about the future of this sim and what can be done with it. Thank you for you and what you (and your adorable family) are doing here for flight simming. I really appreciate your sharing your experience working with Asobo on the SDK. Asobo take way too much criticism here on this forum and they deserve so much better from us. Thank you for helping that come to light.

I am so glad I can support your cause!

(Plug for awesome freeware L52:)