FSReborn Sting S4

Agreed, not to drift this thread away from the S4 but yes 100% with you on the innovation we’re seeing. He said MSFS2020 was holding him back to what he wants to do and he even contacted Asobo to add a certain SDK code to MSFS2020 and get it approved from them in order to do what he did with this upcoming piper.

My guess is that he managed to sneak an MSFS 2024 SDK from Asobo in order to get his piper done LMAO. Now that’s pushing the limit.


Totally agree. It was really refreshing to see “inside” and hear about his work ethic. Definitely jumped up in ranks in my mind. This is a dev you can fully trust and I’m well pleased to support this kind of approach.

He’s definitely on the day1 list now regardless of subject matter. That biz jet looks sweet and although I’m not really into them, it will be mine also lol!


That one looks incredible as well. That cockpit :astonished:.

Yea right. Like a sci-fi spaceship! Not a 70’s design mildly updated to not be two-toned brown :slight_smile:

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My feeling too.

He seems driven to do the best he can. Could be a dev to watch and could go far.

Got loads of AC now (had FS20 since launch) so I now only buy high quality addons. His addons interest me and will likely be added to my hanger because he seems to try and push beyond boundaries.


Thanks everyone for your kinds words and feedback, reading all the comments this morning has fuelled more passions and desire to keep pushing the limits even further…

Stay tuned for more news, we will have another stream where will go full deep into the systems being developed, including seeing what all the CBs do and the reactions to components and sounds in the airplane.

All the best and love,


Haha, thanks for your message, was lovely to see. I read it to my wife this morning and we both had tears in our eyes, she knows how much hard work goes into each of our products and when we can see such positive reactions we just get so much joy that we cannot hold it back anymore…

Regarding the SDK, everything you saw last night is using purely MSFS SDK up to AAU2. Asobo team is incredible helpful, they support 3rd party devs as much as they can, I don’t hold back to ask for more and more SDK features so I can create stuff I am dreaming, and accordingly if there is anything they can do to help to achieve goals they do acordingly. They are an amazing team that deserve much more praise from the community.

I have still many requests for the SDK, but there are 2 in particular that I would have loved to have for M500:

  1. One Hypoxia simulation…
  2. I want walkable avatars with the possibility to drive vehicles.

With these 2 I could have added much more immersion, most of the time I am able to write my own custom simulation for components or things I desire to achieve (the SDK is that powerful!) for example, I am writing right now custom ITT cooling off periods, last week I completed a custom ITT cooling efficiency profile based on air density (this means as higher you go, even when air is cooler, because the air is less dense, the engine cannot be cooled as much as at lower altitudes, causing ITT to increase near to warning / red levels).

Is just a flavour of what I am able to do, but I want to do even more… and when there is something I cannot, I ask Asobo means to let me do it… most of the time I get a positive feedback and see improvements on the SDK with one of the next SU updates. For an instance SU10 enabled the capacity to create custom Turbo Prop BETA simulation after Alex (SWS dev of the Kodiak and partner of FSReborn) and myself asked Asobo for this feature.

I am incredible exited for FS2024 because I know many things I been asking for the SDK and that cannot be done currently due to limitations of the platform will be there and I cannot wait to keep creating amazing content and keep pushing the simulator as far as I can get! and if it doesn’t let me… I will ask Asobo to keep improving it!.

Thanks everyone for your amazing support, without you, nothing we have created would exist today.



Well you’re getting your wish with walkable avatars in 2024 looks like it! And the fact that you’re even asking for Hypoxia shows how far out of the box you’re reaching.

Nothing but respect from me and you’ve got a big fan and a supporter here.


I’m reading:

“S4 update”
And “Working with SWS”

Has Christmas come early?

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Oh you not aware? SWS + FSReborn joined forces early this year. We building a Boeing 727-200 Advance. 3D works starting very soon.

There is a progression on the road map as you can appreciate, I want people to build the confidence and understand the FSReborn brand and why such partnership and project will be a success.



This is great news.

I will buy as much as I can.

I was not aware either. You know what they say… quality attracts quality. Actually they don’t say that but I am saying that :slight_smile:

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Well, they say like attracts like, so in this case it amounts to the same thing!

Also, it’s really nice to see Raul acknowledging Asobo. I agree, they have done amazing things and their work allows devs to do amazing things. Must get disheartening at times to see the negativity in this forum (yes, I know there’s tons of caveats to that, but you get the drift).


I watched the stream, I’m kind of speechless.

The M500 is fantastic and the pricing is really terrific, you are making study-level planes reachable for almost any MSFS user. There is really no reason for not getting this plane. Great touring plane, can work as a bizjet too.
If you ask me it has a lot more than what I need to call it an awesome plane.

The Phenom looks fantastic and is going to be a huge release when it comes because up to now we only have the longitude as a good bizjet for MSFS.

The 727 is a huge surprise, I hope you are going to simulate the retrofit versions that are still flying today, wow a 727 in MSFS just to think about it is incredible.

Coming back to the stream it was a great way to present the M500, both the stream and the plane were fantastic, done professionally and with warmth.

Huge congrats to the whole FSReborn team for rising the bar bringing amazing planes with crazy level of detail.


Agree with what you say.

The future looks good for FSReborn

Afirmative, the access we have is to a 727-200ADV still flying today and it is what we planning to bring. We have to, because is what I can use for proper feedback and research.

So expect a FMS and modern avionics as current 727-200ADV are using currently. In passing from all airplanes around the world and on my current fleet, the B727 is my favourite of all times… is my Everest… passion for this one will be to a whole new level… just saying!!



Just when you think it can’t get better


Would love to see the flight model more as well please.

First, I’m a huge fan of Simbol. I quoted him here, because I truly appreciated his candor and grasp of the situation:

I’d read how well the S4 was modeled with all the realism options and I had intended to pick this aircraft up for quite some time, but it slipped off my radar (probably flying too low, ha!)

Finally, I bought it this morning, thanks to this thread becoming active again.

I had a totally great first flight from L52 to KPRB — both in my IRL stomping grounds. I flew up the coast a bit then headed north over highway 101, up and over the Cuesta Grade and onward towards KPRB.

What I love so very much about this simulator is how we have so many options for experiencing aviation from radically different perspectives. I can take an amazing low altitude VFR flight in this Ultralight with its perfect sightseeing canopy and can pick out and identify all the local landmarks, highways, roads, businesses, parks, my house, etc. and then I can turn around and fly at FL400 in an airliner on an international, transcontinental long haul.

I joined the Discord and I’m super excited to see the Piper(s) headed our way and what the partnership between SWS and FSReborn bring to life with the 727-200.

@SimbolFSReborn your passion and desire to push the envelope is what gets me so hyperactive-kid-on-Xmas-morning excited about the future of this sim and what can be done with it. Thank you for you and what you (and your adorable family) are doing here for flight simming. I really appreciate your sharing your experience working with Asobo on the SDK. Asobo take way too much criticism here on this forum and they deserve so much better from us. Thank you for helping that come to light.

I am so glad I can support your cause!

(Plug for awesome freeware L52:)


I enjoy flying it so much I’ve only pulled the parachute twice.