Montgomery-Gibbs Exec (KMYF)
San Diego, California, USA
This is my first airport upgrade for MSFS, 99%* done with the MSFS Scenery Editor and default library objects… KMYF is a public airport six miles north of downtown San Diego. The airport has three runways and lot of ramps and hangars. It’s one of the busiest airports in the U.S. for small aircraft and has a number of flying clubs, flight schools, plus business turboprops and jets based there. You also find San Diego Fire Department and the famous King Schools.
- New taxiway names. C, A, H, G1, M, E are misplaced or non-existent in the stock MSFS version. They are updated in this scenery and are similar the official airport ground chart (for example via Airnav:
- New taxiway signs : all signs have been reviewed and updated
- A single windsock at the right place.
Extra bonus (it wasn’t the initial project)
- Missing buildings have been added according to the Bing Map photorealistic texture
- The underlying apron object covering most of the airport Bing texture is resized and now reveals iconic locations: business area with FSDO and Marv’s Golden, Casa Machado, west side of airport (to be continued), Gibbs FBO and more to come if you enjoy this first step.
If you want a taste of Montgomery (KMYF) in real, you can check my Youtube channel with a lot of Farwest flying trip videos but also this great FAA Runway Safety episode.
The scenery is available for free at :
Comments are welcome!
** The initial .xml project file has been generated with ADE Build#12 for MSFS.*
Thank you! They were a french text version already on my blog that you could have copier/pasted 
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This airport is also the home for Honeycomb Aeronautical:
Honeycomb Aeronautical Ltd.
Montgomery-Gibbs Executive Airport
8799 Balboa Avenue, Suite 265
San Diego, CA 92123
It would be interesting if they were included in this scenery add-on.
Their office building has nothing noticeable. The CEO reacted on a post I made in my San Diego club FB page. He mentionned a wellknown fastfood chain he seems to practise at threshod 10L
Close to Honeycomb offices, a wellknow restaurant and terrasse to look at the field is badly represented by the 3D photogrametry (94th Aero Squadron).
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Thumbs up on this content.
Airport life around Gibbs FBO.
Too bad we can not actually walk in and get a burrito at Casa Machado.
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I used to live and work near Montgomery in my pre-flying days. This add-on is great and brings back many memories. Thank you!
Version 2.6.7 has been released yesterday with a lot of changes : the end of Gibbs Flying Services FBO
replaced by Executive Air Part (by Crown Air) + thanks to some aerials the Coast Air FBO area has been redesigned in the scenery.
New version 2.8.0 with the outstanding control tower by BullFrogSim ! When a community member offers you his work for free!
And some other enhancement…
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New version of KMYF v2.9.0 adds the Apron Entry Point (AEP) to the field, + some more fixes. I have only pic for AEP 2 and guess for the 5 others.
- Fix erroneous taxiway signs (seems they disappeared from the previous version)
- New cones on Crown Air / Transient apron
- Add new sign SD Flight Training Intl
- Add new sign Aircraft Maintenance & Avionics
- New Visitor Parking Follow Blue Line
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Small fix uploaded today: Fix the helipad at San Diego Police Department Air Support Able Base (and Modellibs/MaterialLib path names)
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Any chance this ever comes out for Xbox? I’d pay for it. I don’t really know what challenges there are to porting it though.
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Hello @SimuGreg,
Whaouuu. Thank you for your support. Really appreciate. This fuel my dedication to the sim. Community.
Unfortunately, as it’s a 100% amateur work, it would required a total change of mindset and would required that I start a kind-of business. It’s not the plan at all, sorry. Not to mention that I think my scenary is not at payware level. It works for donation, but being forced to pay, even 1 dollars, doesn’t fit well. My KMYF scenery is a patchwork of stocked MSFS objects, a great custom made tower (not my production, offered to me by a modeler) and some basic 3D objects+texture.
But, there’s hope. If you mainly search for taxiway fixes, the Microsoft World Hub initiative that’s slowly should reach the Beta phase soon can bring aviation-wise enhancements to the console as well. The World Hub is not in production yet, but for sure, KMYF will benefit from this project. I’ll help or anyone from the Community.
Jorg Neuman, during the last Dev Q/A didn’t have time to address the freeware into Market Place question. This could be also a idea to monitor for my kind of scenery.
Anyway, I would love to help!
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A lot of updates in the 2.9.2
- Add (finally!) the updated taxiway G1
- Add Wrong Way taxiway sign on Delta
- Add new ground marking “H A” on taxiway Hotel
- Add and fix runway markings on several holding points (raise an MSFS limit on runway marking white on red)
- Fix wrong taxiway marking west side (non-movement area)
- Fix a wrong 5-23 markings
- Enhance east taxiway marking (green area)
- Replace the weather antenna with a new one
- Redesign all helipads with custom markings
- Small update the helipad SDFD at the ATC tower
Version 2.9.3 just released
- Fix and enhanced taxiway signs on L, B, H
- Update San Diego Fire Rescue Dpt Aviation Unit (north of the field)
- (per request on 1st improvement grass/bush between threshold 28L/28R
- Several other minor fixes here and here
To match the real marking of runways, I had to redo the numbers and markings manually. For example, runway 28 aiming point and touchdown zone are only visible on runway 28R and not on 10L. This work made me enhanced and fix also some taxiways and the underlying texture of runways 28/10.
- Total manually rework 5/23 runway (bigger numbers and fix underlaying textures)
- Total manually rework 10R/28L (bigger numbers and fix underlaying textures)
- Total manually rework 10L/28R (bigger numbers and fix underlaying textures)
- Fix a lot of taxiway lines to match reality and underlying satellite image
- Add soil patches on run-up 28R and 28L
Enjoy for free: San Diego Montgomery - Gibbs Exec Airport (KMYF) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
Update 1.2.6 adds the new animated all orange windsock. Including a small one at San Diego Police Department Air Support Unit. As usual, free to download San Diego Montgomery - Gibbs Exec Airport (KMYF) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
New update available now! Version 2.9.8 includes:
- Replace signs “HELP Wanted” on taxiway Juliet with the real one. Thanks to Max G. for providing real local photos.
- Delete wrong or outdated "Help Wanted on G1 and transient parking.
- Major rebuild of the south east apron that was forgotten during initial dev and deserves better attention

- Replace wrong hangar type with proper shelters on east side (requires free/stock MSFS KNFL).
- Add several static aircraft to replace default MSFS (all free thanks to Helijah/E.Baranger)
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One more update available v2.9.9. Certainly the last one for MSFS2020. Hoping my amateur work will work in MSFS2024 without too much tuning. As I don’t have access to the Tech.Alpha (I’m not under the MS/Asobo radar and not on Market Place), I have zero info on compatibility of my almost twenty sceneries 
We’ll see. For now, enjoy this big update for MSFS2020:
- Add new details at CoastAir FBO.
- Add Corporate Helicopters building signs, details and helipad.
- Add night lights ambiance all around the airport.
- Add the “94th Aero Squadron Restaurant” close to runway 23 threshold
- Rebuild the west area, above the Sheraton hotel.
- Rebuild all (really all) blue taxiway poles. Let me know if there’s still something weird.
- Rebuild perimeter fences.
- Correctly position the airport rotating beacon.
- Fix Car Parking superfluous.
- and many fixes other minor bugs.
In this update, the night lightning have been enhanced:
The CoastAir FBO have been slightly updated and a starting position added:
The terrasse of the 94th Aero Squadron restaurant:
The restaurant is also visible from runway 23 threshold:
Corporate Helicopters new building (in MSFS):
Night lights:
West side of the field with Palm trees of the Four Seasons hotel: