Freeze during touchdown - since SU10

hi, since SU10 my sim freeze between 3 to 5 sec only during touchdown (when gear will touch the ground (between 50ft and 0ft). When i exit the runway its back to normal
i tested with all type of aircraft, all in low, no traffic, no multiplayer, no weather, all type of scenery : handcrafted, payware or stock airport >>> no change

all are smooth (30-40fps low altitude and ground - 45-60fps high altitude) during my flights except my landings

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?


Brief description of the issue:

freeze only during touchdown

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

R5 3600, rtx2060s 8Go , 16Go ram

How much do you have set in the graphics settings ANISOTROPHIC FILTERING and TEXTURE SUPERSAMPLING?

deactivate or minimun, still the same

Same here. Only on touchdown, and its extremely annoying. With any aircraft, at any airport.

Same here, just freeze 1or 2 seconds, not sure if it started with SU10 or before.

Have you tried this workaround:

It works for me.


Thank you for providing that link, it also worked for me. I hope that thread will be bug-logged so that a permanent fix will be implemented.

its better since the 2 little updates

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?

Yes, even changed all my graphics settings and nothing seemed to help, everything is installed and updated

Brief description of the issue:

Big stutters when landing jets, addon and default aircraft, right at touchdown and rollout. First stutter lasts about 2-3 seconds then the rest are about .5 -1 second

ICAO or coordinates (DevMode > Options > Display position)

Every airport when flying in with a jet

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

I usually start my flights from cold and dark and load up a flight plan on the fmc. Taxi and takeoff do not experience stutters. The flights I do are usually 30 minutes - an hour and a half. About 50 ft above and right on touchdown the stutters happen

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

I usually have my LOD at 200 and Object LOD at 200 as well. Never had issues previously SU9 and back. Have vsync on and refresh rate at 50%.

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Latest version and SU10

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

General aviation aircraft do not have touchdown stutters

What GPU are you using?
One thing that seems to help (still testing) overall smoothness is setting the game exe to run at High priority.

I’m running a 8700k@5ghz, 3090FE no overclock, 64gb DDR4. Initially su11 was stuttering way worse than su10 (su10 ran like a charm)
Not sure if the stuttering was due to server load, but over the next few days after release, i rejoined the newest beta and set the game exe to high priority and my last few flights have been buttery smooth…perhaps even better than su10

My gpu is a GTX 1070

Test setting the game exe to high priority
And delete/clean your rolling cache.

You could probably help yourself by overclocking a bit.
Also i have disabled hyperthreading on my 8700k…everything runs cooler and better imo

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This worked! Thank you. I overclocked my CPU to 4.5 and it’s along with disabling hyperthread. Got a boost of 30fps

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Glad to hear, quite an increase!

Thought I had the stutters fixed, they came back unfortunately :weary: I did get a performance boost though after what I did previously

By the way, are you on the beta?
That maybe makes a difference for me…i did the tuning and the beta updates around the same time

I am not in the beta

Please check that post: Airport Objects loading too late causes stutters right on touchdown - #7 by DementedCorn327

Have you been able to test the workaround as explained in the above link ?

For me it’s exactly those 2 little updates that brought it back :slight_smile:

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