Frequent CTD Lately

Hello. I am experiencing constant CTD lately, no matter the route, location, aircraft, livery, or other active mods. I have NOT installed any new mods or used any new hardware. All graphics and hardware drivers are up-to-date.

I have had 7 CTD since 10/24. They have occurred with the Fenix A320, FBW A320, Headwind A339, and CJ4. They’ve occurred at pushback, during climb, during cruise, and during approach. There does seem to be SOME link to changing camera views (it often crashes right after I change from Exterior to Interior views and then pan). The ONLY consistency in all instances: I was connected to VATSIM and flying online when they happened, with Volanta, vPilot, VatSpy, and Navigraph running. Chrome was also running on another monitor in all instances.

The first few happened before a GPU and Windows update I needed to do. The last 4 have occurred after those updates.
Screenshots of Maintenance Logs:

Various Fault Buckets:
1560424989613081798, type 5
1211189021504463169, type 5
1724833995129021420, type 5
2035237535975334494, type 5
type 0

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Moved to Tech Talk which is more appropriate whilst others help you troubleshoot :+1:

Hi there, all I can imagine, something running beside the sim turned incompatible all of a sudden. This would include items in your community folder. Try to replicate the crash with a clean sim, if it still happens then, open a ticket at zendesk.
It looks like, according to the exception code, it’s nearly the same problem every time. An access violation when the sim reads memory.
good luck

I’ve had one or two ctds after not having them for months. Seems very coincidental with either some recent Windows 11 update OR the latest NVidia drivers, because that’s all that’s changed for me recently. SU13 was absolutely fine before this.
Had one or two ctds on FS startup recently and another while changing to ext cam on a final with the B787-9. Seems kind of random to me. :man_shrugging:

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Sorry but i have to ask … why did you change nVidia driver ? Did you get better Frames , i don´t think so ? ( I´m still on 528.49 and it´s stable ) :slight_smile:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: CTD’s with Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x000000000258a8a9 Faulting process ID: 0x32b4