From awful to unbelievable

After multiple crashes to desktop, i took a short flight in Australia :australia: to test out an a320 update.

Aside from no crashing, it was the most stunning 35 minutes so far.

All of its faults aside, the live weather can be magnificent. From zero visibility through a storm for 15 miles to clouds like skyscrapers.

From the awful to the unbelievable.


Really nice picture, maybe you can submit it on the Screenshot Feature Thread: [OFFICIAL] Screenshot Website Feature Thread (Please read post for rules)

Whats that awful thing in front of those beautiful clouds?..oops, of course, it’s a Scarebus. Sorry, if it aint Boeing , I aint going! :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Boeing brought 'em home on a wing and a prayer… :slight_smile:

Screen Shot 2020-09-21 at 7.04.50 PM


That shot is FANTASTIC!

How about a B17 for MSFS…better not forget the Lanc as well…hopefully someone will do a study level rendition of them!


if it aint Boeing , I aint going!.…that’s the old outdated one.

The current one is

I’m no pax on a 737 max.


A2A did the B-17 and the B-29 (that was/is a big beast!) for the old MS Combat Sim.

A2A released an excellent B-17 for FSX in their Wings of Power series.

Seems everything they do is done well, and correctly modeled. I’ve not seen a Lancaster model, but A2A did build an Avro Anson MkI and, IIRC, a Spitfire.

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I have a number of their a/c for P3D v4 …use them for training when i can’t get into the real sky.

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Err…haven’t heard that one. :rofl:…just that some pilots in some airlines, weren’t trained to fly a plane…just to be cockpit managers…you know the ones that have to have a dog in the cockpit with them…just to bite them, just in case they try and touch anything!

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You ever notice in those air disaster shows when something goes wrong with the technology they get everyone killed by NOT just flying the plane?

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Back on topic for a moment…

Congrats to the op for getting through the ctd issue And getting to fly in this awesome simulation.

How did you do it? Are you still getting ctd’s? Was it just keep on trying, and hope it will launch and run? If you had to change something, have you shared your fix?

My assumption is that this isn’t the first time you’ve flown in msfs2020 and the Ctd’s were patch update related?

Sometimes I wish there was a Funny Tag I could award you with! :slight_smile: despite being an Airbus fan, you sir (or madam) owe me a coffee that I split from laughing so hard! :laughing:

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And as a programmer myself… the day we have pilotless planes (fully self flying) will be the day I switch to and invest in Ships :slight_smile:

An old flying joke amongst the software devs, at a Software Managers conference the Presenter says “If you were boarding a plane and you find out that your Dev team build the software, how many of you would turn around and walk off the plane?”

All but one raised their hands, and the presenter asks “Are you that confident of your team?”

Reply: " if my team did the software, the plane will not leave the gate!"


Love it…Bloody funny :rofl: :duck:

Hey buddy.

It was strange because iv had no CTD since launch, then 3 in an hour all 10 mins into a flight.

The only thing i did was remove the modded plane file from the community folder, redownloaded it (i assume its been updated) and placed it in the community folder.

No more CTD thankfully


Glad you are back up and flying!!

I suppose you don’t know SpaceX “Of Course I Still Love You” :wink:

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Then they mucked up the landing, forgot to put the gear down.

just a bug that demands immediate fixing for the next run !