From XBox to Pc

Those temps are just fine. I use this free monitoring software. It has a feature that lets you put a small configurable widget on the screen, but also lets you see a lot more information (including resettable min/max values) if you expand it. Here’s an example of the full app window on my screen. I drew a red box around it.

  • Note my GPU load and temps in the blue box.

And here’s what the widget looks like - it’s always visible on top of other windows. You can put it anywhere on the screen. Also has a red box drawn around it.

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Heh it stinks that the TB needs to be split when you go from XB, but after a while you appreciate the separate configurations(at least on 2020). I don’t see anything about updates, have you installed the newest drivers for everything including the mobo?

Should be running FS awesome, particularly if you change texture resolution to high instead of ultra(which creates a lot of needless stress with zero notable improvement in visuals).

Even with a higher graphics card and 64gb in 2020 you’ll get that occasional ‘freeze’ with no reasoning behind it, it can be in the middle of the ocean or over a city. It’s not your hardware. And I don’t care what data shows what stat, 64gb runs way better in 2020 than 32gb. It may not say it ‘needs it’ in the developer tools but it makes a difference. In 2024 it’s really required to keep it smooth, particularly the scenery pre-cache.

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PC restart? BSOD? or msfs ctd?

GPU temperature looks fine, and 72% GPU utilization is also acceptable, especially if it’s during gaming.

No BSOD, just game crash, I think it was for drivers issues.

I will monitor and let you know. I will be out until monday.

By now it’s quite a relief to know that GPU is just fine

MSFS 2020 or 2024?

2024, while I was opening and setting Navigraph. It freezed and crashed

MSFS 2024 is as full of holes as Swiss cheese. I don’t recommend using it to test your new gaming PC.

I wonder if you’ve installed all the necessary drivers, including the chipset drivers?

I did nothing beside standard thing like installing the game, updating the GPU driver through Nvidia APP and nothing more…what is the chipset drivers?

An outdated chipset driver can impact performance, system stability (including games) and the functionality of connected devices.

Additionally, NVIDIA app is buggy and unnecessary so I recommend uninstalling the application itself while keeping the NVIDIA driver


Assuming you have the MSI MAG X670E Tomahawk WiFi motherboard:
Download and run the Chipset Driver software found on this page.

Also, some people might disagree with me on this, but I recommend keeping your System BIOS updated as well.

Be sure to read and CAREFULLY follow the instructions located on this page!

You want to reinstall chipset drivers after every BIOS update.


@TenPatrol sorry to bother you, or everybody who can help.

I have an issue, it happens sometimes. My Usb pheripheral start flashing and turnino on and off some times. I thought it was just a matter of “checking system” but today It looked like a Xmas tree for few seconds

Joke - Mouse - Keyboard - Streamdeck - BT keyboard…quite all of em

I have disabled in all USB the option “Allow system to shut this for energy saving” …let’s hope it’ll work

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Please always include your full PC specifications when asking for help. Also, connected devices, your Windows version and power plan.