Frozen lakes everywhere! Please fix this

At the moment, in winter in Switzerland, I noticed that live weather freezes most of the large lakes in Switzerland.
This of course never ever happens in real life. Most lakes are WAY to big to ever freeze. Some screenshots attached. Most of these lakes have NEVER frozen in the last decades. Some did like once in the 1960ties or so :wink:
Asobo, please fix this. At least for larger lakes.
It breaks the whole winter experience of live weather when flying over all these frozen lakes.
It just looks ridicioulus and is not realistic at all.

Some lakes that are currently frozen in Switzerland but woulnd NEVER unless there is a winter that comes along every like 100 years or so are:
Vierwaldstädtersee, Zugersee, Zürichsee / Obersee, and many many more all over Switzerland.
Please fix this.
I gues it applies to other parts of the world too.

This lake in the image above for example has never frozen in recorded history.

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