FS2020 is the best looking sim but still lack of professional flight training tools

FS2020 is the best looking sim but still lack of professional flight training tools.

The combination between live maps, real landmarks and real autogen buildings and vegetation make FS2020 the best looking flight simulator for VFR navigation flight but if compare to Xplane 11 (or even FSX), there are lack of many professional flight training tools listed below.

  1. Localizer and GS needles moves in jumps just near center - the real behavior of analog needles is to move fast and than slow towards the center .

  2. There is no default map with airways, waypoints, localizers, frequencies, which it is possible to place the aircraft at any position during the training flight.

  3. There are no instrument failures like Glideslope Fail, Attitude indicator fail, DME fail, Vacuum fail and many more. (I think Glideslope Fail is more important than oil leak in professional flight training)

  4. There are no default aircraft with analog HSI and RMI with 2 needles and radio altimeters

  5. There is no option to set custom visibility - if we want set only 1300m visibility for ILS training.

  6. there is no tool for instructor station (to set failures, change weather and aircraft position) on second computer, mobile or tablet



True, but FS-FlightControl has this feature. If you want it as a default in MSFS, you can wish-list it here:

Use FS-FlightControl (link posted above) or Randfailuresfs2020:


True, and this feature has been requested.

True. You can buy Carenadoā€™s PA44 and M20R for that.

Absolutely incorrect. See link above for FS-FlightControl and also Prosim. Both of them are fully compatible with MSFS 2020 and used in professional flight training :


ā€œProSim Aviation Research develops stand alone flight simulation software that is designed to model complex aircraft systems, and is often used in professional quality flight simulation setups, and simulator flight training. While ProSim Aviation supports versions of their software for multiple aircraft, version 1.42 of ProSimA320 is the first to be compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator.ā€

Last but not the least, MSFS is only four months old, and a brand new flight simulation product. Itā€™s not an upgraded version of Prepar3d, fsx or XP. It will take some time for more study-level software to be made for it. If you study the history of FSX, Prepar3d, XP, DCS etc and how long it took for study level software to be made for them, you will quickly find out that this is a fully natural phenomenon.


Youā€™re right, but I meant there lack of professional tools by default like Xplane has
Iā€™ll check the tools you mentioned, thanks

Xplane is decades old. If course there are many things that have been developed by 3rd party devs and other things that have found their way into the default sim. Itā€˜s xplane eleven!! I had XP3 I believe. It was completely naked.


Obviously you didnā€™t understand what I said in my last paragraph.

Iā€™ll try my best to make it easier for you to understand.

X-plane was released 26 years ago, in 1995.


Source: X-Plane (simulator) - Wikipedia

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 was released 5 months ago, on 18th August 2020. Itā€™s not an updated version or upgrade of FSX, Prepar3d or X-Plane.

If Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 at the age of 5 months doesnā€™t have what you need in its default state, nobody is forcing you to stop using X-plane which has been in development for 26 years.

In the meantime if you want X, Y, Z features to be added to the base default MSFS, make your wish known and it might be brought to the developersā€™ attention in future: Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Several features we asked for have already been implemented in the base default sim. For example: VR, Trackir, dual-comm support and a lot more.

If you want to report bugs, visit this link to report it: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us


So? As far as Iā€™m aware itā€™s not marketed or intended as a professional tool, so this is not surprising. If that wasnā€™t part of their business plan then so be it.

Maybe at some point down the road they break out a professional level API, youā€™d think thereā€™d be market for it.

Microsoft Flight Simulator has been around longer than X-Plane has ever been thought of. MSFS was the first flight sim and it came out in the early 80ā€™s. I know. Iā€™ve owned almost every version at one time or another. The older versions came with books to use for ā€œtraining,ā€ and included training procedures (flight school with Rob Machado), and a myriad of other features. Sadly, this iteration is sorely lacking in documentation and despite the eye-candy, suffers with terrible performance issues. I thought things were starting to improve until I made a flight from EDDM to LLBG in the A320 last night. When I took off from Munich everything was great. By the time I was about halfway to Tel Aviv I was down into single-digit frame rates, and it never improved. But I digress.

The difference is Xplane started as Austinā€™s personal professional tool that just happened to also become a viable entertainment product. MSFS was designed first and foremost as entertainment software.

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The name has been. Not the simulator we discuss here.


Ok. Whatā€™s your point? The most recent iteration of X-Plane has only been out for a few weeks. It newer than MSFS 2020. Every time someone brings up how X-Plane is a better sim, someone tries to belabor the point that it is a more mature product. When that is said it becomes an apples to oranges comparison. X-Plane 11 doesnā€™t even remotely resemble X-Plane 1. Just as MSFS 2020 doesnā€™t resemble any of its previous versions. The point is, despite the eye candy we have in this sim, it has a long ways to go before it becomes the preeminent flight sim. Here we are, 5 months after the public retail release and MSFS 2020 still has some of the same problems it had a year ago when I joined the Tech Alpha test group. Also, just since the retail release back in August, RKSI - Seoul Incheon Intl has been missing runway 16/34. It existed during both the Alpha and Bravo testing phases. I have submitted a Zendesk ticket for this issue every month since the public release. As well as numerous other tickets. I want this sim to improve. I donā€™t want to have to get my airliner fix with X-Plane, but right now thereā€™s no alternative.

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Very simple, self evident truths you stated.

MSFS 2020 is eye candy, out the box stunning GRAPHICS, marvelous GA VFR, yet still far way from the ā€œpackaged simsā€ like FSX and X-Plane.

If all you do is fly around in GA (general aviation) aircraft, this is the PERFECT flight game.

To be fair, XPlane, day one, didnā€™t have a third of what it does today - time will result in many features being added and bugs getting worked out. This is like a whole new sim in many respects, despite legacy code being in there as a scaffolding while the new edifice is being created.


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