As shown in the picture above the game just won’t “use” the hardware to its full potential for some reason.
If I play FS2020 in non-vr and nearly everything is on ultra at 3440x1440 the gpu goes up tp 70-90% and runs rather good for the settings. Now you would assume in VR with a resolution of 2296x2552 and graphic settings on medium this game should run with way more fps. But it doesn’t
The FPS is definitily locked at 30fps, no matter the settings and supersampling, if I set everything to low, ss to maybe 70% it is still 30fps. Also the gpu never goes higher then 25%.
If I use switch to non-vr in the same session the gpu goes all crazy again, switching back…down to 25%.
What the heck is keeping my gpu doing its work when using VR? What am I missing? Why is it locked at 30fps. It is so frustrating as I have no clue where to look or what to do.
1 you do not mention you hardware
2 your computer’s motherboard hardware and CPU cannot push data fast enough to a graphics card that cannot output enough
I’ve having a very similar experience, but my fps is locked at around 18 fps. Doesn’t matter if I’ve got the settings at Ultra or Low. Only thing changing is the quality of the display. I’m using the developer mode FPS counter.
My system is an AMD Ryzen 3700X w/ 32GB, Motherboard is a GIGABYTE B550I AORUS PRO AX, GPU is a NVidia 1080 with current drivers, and my VR Headset is a WMR Lenovo Explorer.
Ryzen 9 3900x
RTX 2080ti (newest driver)
32gb DDR4
MSI X470 Gaming Plus Max (with newest FW)
Valve Index VR Hmd
2 your computer’s motherboard hardware and CPU cannot push data fast enough to a graphics card that cannot output enough
This doesn’t make sense? Since both pictures are on the same machine within the same game session. Why should the cpu push data fast to my gpu and suddenly in vr it doesn’t?
I can play in non-vr on ultra for hours but as soon as I switch to VR, the gpu just stops working and goes down to 25% usage compared to the 90% in non-vr.
You are right, it does not make sense. Checked you NVidia control panel (reset to default?)? Something is off at 28.8% GPU.
What I do for graphic options, I fly, go external, have a good background with trees, rivers and buildings, hit escape and go to options and I can see some landscape, have all graphics on LOW or OFF, but TEXTURE QUALITY on ULTRA, and then manipulate parameters one-by-one, have
on standby, and every time you hit "F11 Apply … " you can see live results, Resume, wave you head around and check for lags, I get 29-35 on a miserable 8600K/1080 machine.
As mentioned before it doesn’t matter what I change in the settings. As soon as I activate VR ingame the gpu goes down to 25%, the second I switch back to non-vr (still IN the game during flight), GPU goes up to 80%.
So this has nothing to do with the graphic settings, also if everything is at it’s lowest or max setting, gpu stays at 25% in VR, no matter what. That is the odd thing about that.
@J1mb0G5751 Thanks! I installed the 452.06 driver. My GPU usage is now very high and my FPS went from a consistent 18fps to close to 28fps. MUCH BETTER. CPU usage is staying low, but just goes to show that I’m GPU constrained.
Would love to get a new video card, but finding one now at a decent price is just not happening.
I’m getting exactly the same. MainThread frame-times fluctuate around 33ms, this means I get dips below 30fps, this introduces stutter. It doesn’t matter what settings I change and it’s not improved moving to a 5800x (from 3900x) which is boosting to 5Ghz.
Outside VR the frame-time for the CPU is more like 10-15ms.
Not sure what to try now, it really spoils the VR experience.
Glad it made things better for - your symptoms looked similar to what I was experiencing when I updated my nvidia drivers in November/December; VR perf just tanked for no reason, showing high GPU frame times.
I used to always use the latest drivers - however something changed recently and since then I’ve not considered updating, especially when I see posts like yours.
I’m with you on the new video card - 3090 is a very high price and stock is a joke… will consider 3080ti when it lands, but who knows when we’ll get decent stock levels.
So I installed driver 452.06 and my gpu now is at 100% usage. Oddly enough the performance got worse with that driver.
Have the same graphic settings in vr as with the newest nvidia driver fps dropped from nearly constant “locked” 30fps to 22-26fps average.
If I set the vr graphic settings to the default settings it goes up to 44 fps so the 30fps lock is definitily gone. Bottom line even with the newest driver and the gpu limited to 25% and only getting 30fps the overall experience was smoother as with the old driver and gpu at 100%.
I think I’ll stick with the newest driver as it gave me the better experience and hope for an optimized driver in the future or some performance patches for FS2020 VR.
I’ve just tried that and it reduces the CPU frame-time to 10-15. However the 40fps (which would be great with reprojection) is worse than the stuttering caused by the dips below 30fps with reprojection on.
Being as 90fps is never going to happen this makes the sim very difficult to enjoy in VR.
I guess I’ll check back in later and hope someone fixes it - not sure this one is Asobo.
Please use another tool to monitor GPU usage, Task Manager some times doesn’t give accurate numbers. It doesn’t make sense 25% = 30fps while 100% = 26fps at the same settings.
It doesn’t matter as it clearly is game or driver related. In non vr it runs smooth in 4k and ultra settings. In VR it runs like ■■■■ with lowest settings. I just hope the next update or driver will fix it.
And taks manager is showing right. The newest driver locks the fps at 30 and using the old driver it most likely wasn’t optimized. As said above doesn’t matter as I know not my hardware is the problem and more likely the game itself, or nvidia’s drivers.
Not sure it have been suggested before : do you have a fps limiter of any kind for the monitor version? E.g. currently the Vsync in monitor settings influence the VR fps. Also, did you tried to lower at minimum all VR settings including render scale at its minimum, and check fps? You’ll probably see a Limited by Mainframe like the vast majority, but will see also the max fps you can reach.
Headset driver try to get you near a frequency like native, native/2, native/3, etc. E.g. for me it stay at 30 fps (Oculus CV1 90Hz) until I have enough headroom and jump suddenly to 60fps, and so on, even without any kind of retroprojection (ASW off for me).
Note I don’t do Valve Index and AFAIK it go through SteamVR, right? did you check SteamVR parameters?
No offense, just trying to help!