Also I think if the livery files are non std ie downloaded from elsewhere then their directory naming has to follow certain guidelines in order for them to work properly with gsx passengers. I’ve not downloaded any so haven’t run into this yet.
Thanks for the reaction. I did that, still the same. Not that it;s the most important issue of course, but it would be nice if i get it to work sometimes haha
Hi everyone,
I have experienced two marshallers at the gate, in two different instances (EDDH and EDDC). Also, all GSX vehicles were duplicated. Both are payware sceneries, both JustSim.
At EDDH, everything disappeared upon switching off beacon, in EDDC, the farther away (girl) marshaller disappeared, while the remaining ground crew handled everything just fine. I have excluded FSDT airport files in the manager etc. but I can’t remember this happening before. Is it JustSim/an update/the new Fenix A319? Thanks for your ideas and responses,
One of the marshallers is the MSFS default one that it randomly places at a gate for you, and nothing to do with GSX. If you use the GSX menu option to “remove AI aircraft from current parking” or whatever it is called the MSFS one will go away (regardless of AI aircraft not being there). I wish GSX would do this fully automatically.
Make these changes in aircraft.cfg for every airplane you use with GSX.
Oh I just always pretend one Marshaller is learning the other. Haha
Gotcha. Nice, thank you! I suspect it is the new Fenix variants then. I four years, I haven’t seen any generic marshallers. Has this been added with an SU or sth?
It’s been always like this. Maybe you don’t use in-game ATC because when they assign a gate or ramp for you the vanilla marshaller is always there.
Good tip that, thank you. I now have the clearest looking gates I’ve had in ages.
Question (relatively new to GSX): If you add a new GSX airport profile to your Virtuali\gsx\MSFS folder, do you have to restart the Sim for it to work, or is it good enough to just restart Couatl?
Just restart couatl.
Thank you! Never knew about this!
That’s right, I do not use in-game ATC. Just a freak coincidence, I guess, that the gates chosen in GSX happened to be the same gates ATC ‘chose’ for me.
Just to clarify: if I set everything to ‘0’ in the .cfg, will GSX still wortk on that equipment?
Cheers, Chris
I am not sure jetways will work if you set JETWAY =0. The rest can be set to 0.
Still new to the Fenix A321: is there any way to instruct jetbridges to connect to L1 and not L2? I’ve parked on the spot as indicated by gate guidance system in EDDH. Thanks!
The door where a jetway docks to is completely unrelated to GSX, which has no control over where a jetway docks. This is controlled entirely by MSFS itself, and it’s a combination of:
- Your parking position
- The airplane doors location in relationship to your parking position.
- How the jetway is modeled (size, constraints).
- How the jetway is placed (location and rotation) in the scenery.
The way the MSFS jetway animation works, is that MSFS will try to dock the jetway to every door it can, if you parked even further ahead, it would have docked on L4!
There’s something you might do in GSX (this is normally done by airport profiles creators), and it’s setting a custom STOP position in GSX for that gate that would force the sim to dock the jetway to L1 only. The scenery customization editor in GSX has a TEST feature exactly for this reason: if you press NumPad5 (or Shift+NumPad5) when you are editing the Stop position, it will test the jetway connection, so you can see if it works and which door it will dock to.
However, since a custom Stop position in something only known to GSX, in order to make it usable, you should use a GSX Parking System (Marshaller or VGDS), because of course those are aware of the GSX custom Stop position, while if the scenery comes with another VGDS, it will still guide you to the “wrong” spot.
I’m using quotes here, because the position set by the non-GSX VGDS might not be really “wrong”, mabe is correct in relationship to the scenery ground markings, but if that results in the jetway docking on the wrong door, if you value the jetway connection more than ground markings, the existing stop position is “wrong” for you.
This means, in addition to customize the Stop position in GSX, you’ll have to replace the scenery provided VGDS with GSX’s one. Exactly for this purpose, GSX provides a “screen-only” variant of its own VGDS, which can be placed ON TOP of the scenery-provided VGDS, so you’ll see the scenery own 3d model casing, with a GSX screen that will always follow the GSX custom Stop position you might have changed to fix the jetway.
Sometimes, when the airport comes with its own VGDS system, GSX airport profile creators provide with two version of the airport profile: one using the one that comes with the scenery, another one that comes with GSX VGDS so, check if something like this is available for that airport.
So, if you move the A321 that far back that L1 ends up where L2 is in above screenshot, the jetway will dock to L1 instead of L2?
Wasn’t there an option in good old FSX/P3D days GSX variants when they actually asked where the jetway should dock? Oh no, it was via SODE… sadly not possible in MSFS I guess…
Hi Umberto, many thanks.
Just for fun, I thought I’d just remove the L2 definition in the equipment’s GSX.cfg (here: A321 IAE) and found this:
pos = -1.91 12.73 0.61 3.80
code = (A:INTERACTIVE POINT OPEN, percent over 100) 0.9 >
name = 1L
ceiling = 1.95
embeddedStair = 0
remove = 1
pos = -1.94 -7.07 0.75 -0.00
code = (A:INTERACTIVE POINT OPEN:2, percent over 100) 0.9 >
name = 3L
ceiling = 1.95
embeddedStair = 0
Doens’t this imply that L2 shouldn’t be used in the first place?
Exactly, it was possible because we used SODE there, which had a custom jetway system that was independent from the one used by the sim, and completely under our control.
This won’t change anything. I’ll repeat a key sentence here:
Nothing in GSX affects the jetway
The ONLY thing GSX does is:
Detecting if the Jetway is docked and to which door.
Triggering the jetway, sending the standard Jetway toggle event, which is equivalent to doing it manually from the ground services ATC menu, GSX is just a shortcut to that.
Nothing in GSX affects the jetway behavior, the only thing that does it (indirectly), it’s the STOP position, that’s why I suggested you might act on that.