FSDreamTeam GSX for MSFS

Finally got i to work more or less propperly. But i won’t install updates before its known working and progressing. Using the offline version for now.
Only thing for me is that i often start asking for fuel, but the fueltruck then arrives at the end of the boarding and startup process.There should be an option to send that truck away as well

Yep, that happened to me once as well. I had to restart the Couatl from the tray icon to progress to the pushback phase.

Happens to me too. Apparently, according to Umberto, it happens when you have selected the option to always refuel progressively, and also to link into the plane’s custom fuel system. I fly the PMDG B738. If you choose to link into the plane’s custom refuel system and follow the GSX manual which specifically talks about PMDG’s custom fuel system, you’re likely to end up with both the PMDG fuel truck and the GSX one both turning up at the same time, because GSX manual hasn’t been adapted from old versions to the limitations of the PMDG Ground Services function in MSFS. So, I’ve deselected that option in GSX, and have instead selected the option to refuel progressively.

However, despite having only that one option selected now, I still get the issue you describe - the GSX refuelling process firing for a second time after boarding is complete. I’m not going to follow up with Umberto via the FSDreamTeam forum; life’s too short.

I use the Fenixa320. I do as GSX subscribes. Call the fueltruck and then load the EFB and set the loadingtime there on instant. But i just think GSX first needs to be stable and then needs a lot of tweeking which already a lot of people are doing for loads of airports.

Is GSX usable for GA lanes like the Kodiak, Caravan,…?
I’m especially interested in the pushback and service cars

Nice to see it working with the 146. Did you try to make it use the airplane’s own fold-out steps at all? I think the GSX manual has a section on “embedded stairs” or something?
I have run it in trial mode, as I happend to own FSDT’s Vancouver, and it worked OK for the most part there as well as at the demo airports of Munich, Milan and Frisco. Probably will buy it soon based on that experience.

That screenshot is from FSDT Basel LFSB airport and I used 146-300 because there is a GSX profile for this variant on flightsim.to. My departure airport was Aerosoft LKTB (also with a custom profile available) and I remember that I had to retract the stairs from the EFB because the GSX provided its own steps for the FWD door, smaller than those provided at LFSB. Interestingly the stairs connected to the AFT door were about the same as seen on the screenshot. So in both cases I only needed to open the doors. GSX did the rest.

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I bought GSX yesterday and overall the purchase was well worth it.
The program is still a bit janky but when it works it definitely improves immersion by quite a bit.

The thing that I find the most annoying right now is that the GSX window does not stay open.

Is it possible to set up a keybind to open the GSX window instead of using the toolbar?
I use MSFS in VR and constantly messing with the toolbar is a bit tiresome.

Hi everyone. Does anyone know how i increase the number of animated passengers for Fenix A320? Only 14 people get onboard. They come with a small bus.

Do you plan your flight with Simbrief? In this case, you have to enter your simbrief ID in GSX settings menu. GSX will automatically read de number of passengers and baggage from your Simbrief OFP.
Also set the passengers density to “high” or “insane” in GSX settings.
If you don’t use Simbrief, you have to tick “estimate passengers” in GSX settings menu (I am giving you this names by memory, they coudn’t be exactly the same, but you can recognize what I telling you if you open the GSX settings menu). GSX will estimate the number of passengers by your TOW with this option ticked.

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Hello and thank you for your reply. Yes i am using simbrief but yesterday although the simbrief had 162 passengers planned to get onboard only 14 boarded and after that a message poped up and said boarding passengers completed 14/14. The estimate passengers button was ticked. Also when i tried for second time the GSX didn’t let me re import the newest simbrief plan i had made. The message was it is too late for your scheduled time…i don’t remember quite well to be honest… I m using a third party airport which is LGAV of Fly Tampa. I am not using a jetway, only a parking space and the crew members and the passengers come by small buses.

I’m just waiting until GSX supports the MSFS marketplace airports. I heard the MSFS marketplace airport encryption caused problems for GSX so Umberto couldn’t get it working, but I also read that Umberto said there is a new API coming with SU 10 that may allow GSX to interface with MSFS marketplace airports, and SU 10 is releasing this week.

Gonna wait until GSX is working with MSFS marketplace airports. Hope this can happen sometime this year (I know Umberto is under a lot of pressure to fix stuff currently, so I don’t expect GSX to work with MSFS marketplace airports for another few months).

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I needed to untick “estimate passengers” when synchronizing Simbrief.

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There’s a setting for passenger density in the GSX settings option.

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It does state in the GSX manual (page 60) that your departure time in the Simbrief plan MUST be in the future (the day date however doesn’t matter). So before reloading the plan you may have to edit it, and re-generate it, to adjust the time.


The top surface of the boarding platform for the cargo type configured aircraft does not set horizontal, even if it is set at the correct height (door base).


Thank you very much. I fixed it. I was making something wrong with the simbrief.

It askes for ’ your simbrief name’ but is it the name or the ID, which are mostely numbers

I typed in my username, not the ID number and it works well for me.

Thanks for the answer. For me, for some reason, it doesn’t do anything. Thats why i asked. Always a difference between GSX and FenixEFB.

But i also have that with GSX and airport stand numbers in Navigraph. I choose a standnumber in GSX and follow navigraph charts to that stand/gate and no one is there and they stand at some other not matching place at the airfield. (At the big airports i’m not using a follow me car)