FSLabs is bringing their Concorde to MSFS

We also expect to release the Concorde on Prepar3D first and again, we’re working to release it to the MSFS platform. We will be excited to share more previews of this title as it enters beta testing in the next six to eight weeks!


Great news! We really need a study level of the concorde to do it justice

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Yoicks. The DC Designs Concorde already has more systems depth than I want to deal with given that I am not three people.

They’re going after a pretty niche market here! Good for them. :slight_smile:


Now that is the Concorde worth waiting for!


If this comes out and I want to stick with DC Designs, is there a way to have multiplayer FSLabs Concordes show up as DC Designs?

Took them long enough.

Enjoying the DCD concorde so far but if FSlab is bringing the study level one I will like very much to purchase again for the only super sonic cruiser in the world. And better still it seems previously their concorde have automatic flight engineer to lessen the most annoying works

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I would rather cut off a finger tha have ANYTHING by FSlabs on my machine-I dont forget what FSlabs did and I say to others that the boss of FSlabs simply cannot be trusted to do anything right.How they are still in operation is simply beyond me.


I wonder how gung-ho people will be about a study-level Concorde when they find out there is no FMC for it. They sure will be having loads of fun creating new flightplans from scratch! I just wonder which version of the Concorde will see more actual use over time.

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Can we have the full story?

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It’s easily googlable. Very infamous incident

Never buy anything from FSLabs.

They have been caught bundling a malware (password stealer) secretly in their products.

Said malware was transmitting users’ chrome password to their servers over an unsecure connection.

Absolutely unacceptable, unethical and likely illegal to do ■■■■ like that.

Flight Simulator Add-On Tried to Catch Pirates By Installing Password-Stealing Malware on Their Computers (vice.com)


That’s bizarre. Assuming Chrome password file is encrypted and even cheap antivirus would detect this behaviour, I fail to see purpose of this. And yes, it’s illegal in most if not all countries and they could easily face charges.

Not going to follow your advice. Catching software pirates is a GOOD thing. FSLabs apologized for the inconvenience. That is good enough for me.

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The end doesn’t justify the means. It’s unethical and illegal too. If you want to catch software pirates, you have to abide by the law, else you’re a criminal yourself too and therefore, on the same level of the pirate you are trying to catch.

Thousands of legit customers could have had their bank account or other highly sensitive credentials stolen.

Those customers paid 150$ to have a malware executable written to their disk, thus creating a severe security risk to their data.

In addition of that, passwords were transmitted over a non secure HTTP connection, that means pretty much any attacker on the network could read them.

Go pay 100$ to a company which write malwares into your hard drive, I won’t.


Ok let’s keep on topic


I am definitely putting FSLabs Concord in my hanger. All forgiven! :slight_smile:

No FS labs did not apologize. That’s was a lack luster “I got caught I’m sOrRy” apology than actually being sincere.

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Folks - stay focused on the sim and the offered product please.

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I would argue that the past actions of a developer are very relevant, and on topic. The way people view a dev, either good or bad, will influence their purchase decision, to a degree. And let’s not forget, there are a lot of new simmers here, that may not know the back story, and should know about it, so they can make an informed decision to purchase, or pass, when the time comes.