Got all the IVAO MTL liveries working with FSLTL
just did a quick flight from eddl to eddk in the turbo arrow and noticed via littlenavmap ONLY aig models were injected by fsltl injector, I checked AIG manager and it had an update (including the dash8 series,yay) but somehow my fsltl traffic is mesed up now. like I said only aig models are injected (seen in little navmap, also noticed I can see traffic on gns 530 tcas, only aig models appear on tcas) and some models taxi/takeoff/land with lights off…
Yes, this is working for me. I’m getting sporadic pointy nose aircraft (ST) mixed in with the models from FSLTL. It’s been working well so far, although I’m not using the FSLTL injector, just default live traffic.
Is that with using the FSTLT injector? If so, could you explain how?
This only happens on Gaya LOWW, on every other airport FSLT works like a charm on my rig.
And fortunately Gaya reached out and answered to my comment over at Facebook to confirm that they are working on a big update for Vienna that should adress this issue and much more.
So fingers crossed …
Thanks, good idea I will mention this on their Discord. I know that’s clearly beyond their present agenda, but who knows, perhaps they can put it on their ToDo list at least.
Hello All
Do you also sometimes have the situation where you choose “Request Boarding” and Baggage is loaded but Passengers and Crew are not boarding? It just happened now to me for example at RJAA (Payware). It’s not happening all the times - just sometimes.
Is that a known bug or is the bug 30 cm in front of the screen?
Run the %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\fsltl-traffic-injector\fsltl-trafficinjector.exe file as administrator, or even better, make a shortcut to this file and set the security properties of the shortcut to always run in administrator mode.
Nice! Did you change the FSLTL ai quality from 2k to 1K?
I don’t know if this problem have already been reported here. I installed FSLTL and since that day I can’t complete a flight. Constants CTD’s after 30-40 minutes of flight. Suddenly after 30-40 min. of flight, performance decreases till 10-15 fps and simulator crashes.
If I uninstall FSLTL, things go well, no CTD’s. Some of you have this problem? Do you know how to fix it? FSLTL is a great mod, and I want to use it, but I can’t for now. Could you guys be so kind to help me, please? Am I doing something wrong?
Thankyou in advance
Any VFR setting recommendations, especially with the new radius setting?
My goal is to get KSQL and KPAO fairly busy, ideally with pattern traffic, in addition to the regular KSFO, KOAK, KSJC heavies.
Looks promising, FBW’s own TCAS/NAV display ignores the FSLTL traffic. No TCAS !!
You’d think that would be a no-brainer for FBW to implement over their own Simbridge connection to the A32NX. I mean, if they can feed from their own terrain server to the Nav display, then surely they could have done likewise for their traffic to show-up on their TCAS display? One can only hope that something will happen in that regard. Until then I’ll use FSLTL for the airport stationary traffic only (plus maybe some GA planes), but I’ll use the Asobo live traffic for the en-route – which does show up on the A32NX TCAS/NAV display.
Yes I get that issue. Sometimes the memory error message as well. These only occur if I use the injector.
Doesn’t really matter, VFR is still in beta stage so you aren’t going to see much traffic even with the value maxed compared to IFR.
I get a pretty large frame rate hit while running FSLTL, but seeing the sky full of contrails makes it so worth it. Not sure why I find that so satisfying, but I do. The skies are finally full.
Can anyone please tell me what the default injector settings were for IFR, VFR and static ground?
I re installed but it saved my settings from last. I got best fps with the default but can’t recall the settings
Appreciate it!
If I recall correctly IFR=80, Static=3. Cannot remember VFR.
Thank you!! If I do recall FSLTL said that default was decent on performance but still good amount of traffic?
Dial back your settings a bit. Change radius from 200km to 120km. Reduce IFR from 85 to 60, VFR to 5 etc. Additional ground traffic to 1. You still get plently of traffic, but it may be a bit easier on your resources.
I’ve had one complete FS hang myself on approach into SFO. A hang rather than a complete ctd, but same thing really.
I’d monitor your ram/vram resources.