FSLTL - FS Live Traffic Liveries is live!

Indeed you see some, however, those ones are either:
(a) Asobo Live Traffic; or:
(b) injected traffic which has just taken off from the same airport as you.

But any en-route traffic that was ai-injected which you may subsequently meet at 30,000ft doesn’t show up – even if you fly right up to it!

No live traffic on so must be same airport departures. Explains why they usually come up from behind!

I worry SU11 will wreck the FSLTL injector. No signs things are going to change.

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Same. It’s such an excellent addon.

@CaptainKiekYogi, Asobo is about to wreck your fine work. Hopefully your team has some pull.

Godspeed FSLTL development team.


As the dev for PSXT - not sure it will have any impact on @CaptainKiekYogi given its a completely different injection method.

But as this is a thread for FSLTL - SU11 is very much going to impact me as the primary injector dev and the rest of the FSLTL team. As documented at Traffic changes - implications to simconnect (FSLTL / AIG) - #165 by whakamolenz. And potentially also the same impacts for AIG TC as they use the same simconnect calls to inject traffic which MSFS then controls.

Maybe the PSXT discussions are best placed in its own discussion thread? Does anyone use PSXT+ Real Traffic?

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I’ve just attempted to revive it

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How did you do this?

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Since last FSLTL update, I see less traffic in skies than before and it isn’t show in TCAS radar (at least in the Fenix TCAS). Should I change something in my configs? I’m in SU10.

Don’t think so. PSXT does not use the Asobo AI engine.

SpaceX has just launched from London :wink:


So it’s pretty much undisputed that using FSLTL has less of an fps impact than AIG.

But my question is, is it because of the models or the injector of AIG causing the FPS drop. If it’s the models, then does letting the FSLTL injector use AIG models negate the FPS “gain” of using FSLTL

True. I don’t have an answer for whether it’s the models or the AIG injector. But for me I find the FSLTL injector so much more user-friendly (and stable), so I just let that control both the FSLTL and AIG models.

But I’m not using the AIG FAIB models as AFAIK they are poorly optimized. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Hence I just deleted everything in the AIG folder under Simobjects with FAIB. That was around 20Gb, around half the total size.

The injector won’t insert the FAIB AIG models even if they exist - so deleting them is fine if you don’t plan to use AIG TC.


Ah, that is handy to know. Thanks for that tidbit of info.

Getting AIG planes to work with FSLTL? Does anyone have insight on this, currently using FSLTL, but I would like to add the AIG planes too, is this possible and how? Thanks for any help!

It’s easy. Just keep the AIG folder in community. The FSLTL injector will pull models and liveries from it when needed.

Thanks… The AIG folder I got is called “AIG TOB” and that’s what I have in my Community folder. Hope that’s correct?

Mine is called something else, not at the PC right now. If you see A380s at OMDB it’s a sign it’s working.

Thanks for the info and now I have both programs loading by just running MSFS2020. I did run into one issue whereby I had a space in the path names for the two programs “C:\Program Files\AIFlow\AIFlow.exe”. Normally when I edit batch files I just add quotes to any folder with a space and it works but this time I had to move both programs to a directory without any pathname space for it to load.

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