FSLTL - FS Live Traffic Liveries is live!

How to autostart FSLTL, AIFlow, AIGround in one step with MSFS?

Might have to create a batch file for those, not sure.

Search for ‘exe.xml’ (earlier in this topic).

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Add them to the exe.xml file. Works fine for me.

Start (multiple) programs on MSFS startup with this exe.xml ‘tip’ - Community / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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Thank You! It works!

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Confirmation from Asobo they will not be doing any further fixes regarding the issues with simconnect traffic in SU11. This will basically mean limited landings with FSLTL Injector and approach paths will be very wrong.

Disappointing but i guess nothing unexpected given the short beta timeframe and a fixed delivery date.


Did they say something about fixes for the internal live Traffic? I speak about model matching especially.
Maybe they improve the internal live traffic so far that FSLTL injector is Not even needed any more. That’s my hope :raised_hands:

Hopefully it can become a priority for SU12 as FSLTL is without a doubt the best Flight Sim add-on I have seen in 40+ years of simming!


Any chance at all of a hotfix to FSLTL to work with SU11? I’d sure hate to wait for SU12 with no guarantee Asobo will prioritize a fix. Hard to believe they’ll break something as popular as FSLTL?


It’s not just FSLTL that’s broken. Live Traffic is broken as well.

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From FSLTL discord earlier today:

November FSLTL Update

Sim Update 11

Asobo has changed its AI handling for SU11. Unfortunately, this has had a negative effect on AI behaviour injected via 3rd party software which includes FSLTL. The team has been in regular contact via their dev groups but at this stage, the changes are committed and cannot be delayed.

As result, SU11 will bring a significant impact on the FSLTL tool and any other 3rd Party AI addon. Whilst FSLTL can continue to be used, more errant AI behaviour can be expected, especially for arriving and landing traffic which cannot find its way to its destination via the STAR procedures Asobo has updated.

We will continue to liaise with Asobo in the hope this can be improved but for now, there is little we can do, unfortunately. Keep checking on our Discord chat for any community solutions or workarounds that come up in the meantime.


Our own FSLTL E190 has entered the paint shop and we hope to make it available very soon, E170 will follow in due course but has not been started as yet. CRJ700 is in testing using the FSX model under the Microsoft game content licence. We have also obtained permission from SBAI to include their A220 models in FSLTL so these will be started in the near future, a very nice addition to the package.

Finally but by no means least….we are working on an A380. Bear with us on this as there are a lot of windows to deal with


The Livery team has been highly active and we have plenty of new additions to bring. There are currently 1218 in the library. We’ve also made some large-scale changes and fixes to the models and Alpha layers which means a larger update to the base model pack is required, needing some support from the FBW team. Once ready, these will deploy.

That is it from the FSLTL team for this update, as always if you want to contribute, get in touch…but for now, we hope you continue to enjoy FSLTL as best able in this compromised SU11 phase. (edited)


What to expect?

FS Traffic:
“FS Traffic is now being developed and tested using the MSFS Sim Update 11 Beta. We have found that this has brought about a multitude of improvements with how Ai traffic behaves in the simulator”.

" SU11 will bring a significant impact on the FSLTL tool and any other 3rd Party AI addon. Whilst FSLTL can continue to be used, more errant AI behaviour can be expected"

As far as I understand, FS Traffic is more of model- and livery matching but not injecting any traffic.
Therefore they might rely on the injection MSFS is coming with, and this one really imporved with SU11 Beta.

For FSLTL though, those changes are a big througback for their own injector, not so much for their models and liveries…

I’ve not been on the SU11 beta, so would you say that the improved MSFS injector, combined with the FSLTL model/livery matching, would be better than FSLTL matching and FSLTL injection?

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I definitely see much more traffic with the internal AI online traffic than with FSLTL. But I cannot say if this caused by the changes done on the last Update of the Beta.

Before that Update, FSLTL worked so well, I never even checked what MSFS defaul traffic is doing.
All I needed was the AIG models and the FSLTL injector to behappy.

But since the beta update, the FSLTL injector is unfortunally in a very sad state.

And while the inbuilt traffic looks good (especially with AIGround and AIFlow) , the model matching is a disaster.

So currently none of the two options is satisfying.
But if there is a reliably working model matching, I wouldn’t need an external injector anymore.
FSTraffic might be exactly that. We will see…


thanks for that.

It sounds like i’d better make the most of FSLTL on SU10 while I still have the chance, before Friday. :frowning:


So what does FSLTL bring to the table if you are using Asobo live traffic as the traffic “injector”? Just the models and liveries or does it also help with the model matching, or is model matching 100% on Asobo?
And if FSLTL is just there for the liveries, is it better to use the AIG models/liveries or both together?

I can concur on this. The internal traffic volume even at the gates is much improved in Live Traffic (not AI Offline) in SU11. I get a lot more filled gates from a Cold & Dark - it’s really nice for the immersion.


It’s unfortunate but the current approach / landing behaviour is probably the least noticable vs the multitude issues we’ve had to put up with in the past.

Remember when planes just never departed? Or when go around traffic just endlessly flew loops around the airport at treetop height? Or when traffic never climbed higher than your current altitude?