FSX and MSFS 2020 thoughts

Hi there, If FSX was updated to a current version, Would anyone of you guys go back to it or is the MSFS 2020 better than FSX? I hope that I’m not causing a problem by creating this topic. I’m just wondering what the thoughts of others.

I currently enjoy both.
They are two different sims from two different eras with totally different character and moods.
No sim replaces another imo


Very hard to say

Some people went back to an older sim for a variety of reasons. Study level aircraft is one example, in that regard MSFS is still an infant. Some people also like certain aspects better.

I personally tend to flying MSFS all the time because I enjoy VFR with the Piper Arrow like nothing before. But if I wanted to fly airliners I would go to X-Plane.

So yes, there are certainly many reasons to have several flight sims installed. You might decide to fly one sim exclusively today but then change your mind again and switch back.

I tend to change my mind about these things every couple of months. Switching back to XPlane in October was easy, but this time it will be harder to get back because MSFS now runs and looks as I want to.


Well it has been it is P3Dv5. The only reason I still use it is for aircraft not in MSFS. Once that changes then it will be gone!


For me it’s clear :
When I want to fly an airliner I use FSX. In the Aerosoft or Fslab A320, every button or aspect of the plane works properly.
I’ve been able to reproduce, in a real simulator, a flight (EGLL to EGBB) from cool and dark to land, prepared at home with Aerosoft A320, with no problem.
I use MSFS 2020 with the TBM 930 (my favourite), to practice navigraph procedure landings enjoing the G3000.


It is subjective. Everyone sticks to one flight sim over another for their own reasons. Personally I will never return to FSX or X-Plane regardless if it was with/without visual/audio mods to make it more modern.
Again, to each their own…

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I miss some of my payware planes in FSX, but you can’t go back. Even with all the money I dropped in FSX the scenery in MSFS2020 is so much better. And the fact FSX was 32 bit was a big drawback as planes and scenery got more complex. But who would further develop FSX? It certainly won’t be Microsoft, and P3D has done some work with it but that’s a niche product. I think the community has tapped all they can out of FSX’s 32 bit core.


I’ve gone back to FSX to brush up on the training. There’s so many learning resources and Rod Machado’s flight school in particular is sorely missed in FS2020. But apart from that, it’s basically obsolete. If you like VFR/GA planes then fly FS2020, if you like IFR/airliners then you’re probably best off in XPlane.



I’m not sure Asobo would thank you for those pictures - discs (whether CDs, DVDs, bluray, and even software) are curently obsolescent, being replaced by streaming services.

Are you suggesting there’s another, bigger/better flightsim about to take over? If so, please tell me about it.

No nothing to do with CD and MSFS. Its the DIFFERENCE that I want to emphasize.


things base fsx has that this game doesn’t:

  • helicopter/heliports
  • gliders/towing
  • seaplanes/seaports
  • fighter jets/carriers
  • flight school
  • missions
  • medals
  • server browser
  • voice chat
  • atc in multiplayer
  • shared cockpit

Yes, there is a difference, and the point I was light-heartedly making was that “All Things Must Pass”.

MSFS has so many things that need implementation/correction/improvement, they will never all be done. Surprisingly, many of the items needing to be implemented were actually standard on the release version of FSX. I look forward to the day when the next generation of flight sim allows us to look back at FS2020, shake our heads and wonder how we put up with it!

Your second comparison is interesting, in particular as the first part of my engineering career was in vacuum tubes, and the second part was in silicon devices. I would note the particular silicon devices I worked on are currently being superseded while in certain areas vacuum tubes are still thriving. Even FSX has its advantages.

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Not a good comparison at all…
You just proved there’s still a desire for vintage products.
FSX in a nutshell.:upside_down_face:

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Well that is just my opinion I appreciate that others may disagree…

I got both. P3D v5.1 I use to fly mid to long haul 787/A330 and MSFS for GA and Short Haul A320 but I’d rather play MSFS2020!

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This is true, but I feel it’s worth qualifying the comparison for the sake of fairness. “Base” FSX has all that in the Steam edition today, after many years of updates and additions. It definitely didn’t have all that at launch. And even the launch version was built directly on the engine and systems of its predecessors, as they were built on their predecessors in turn. FS2020 is built from scratch in many ways the series hasn’t had to deal with in decades.

I flew FSX exclusively until switching to MSFS. Even if updated, I don’t think FSX would come close to MSFS and I wouldn’t go back. I really, really, do miss all the great FSX addon aircraft from A2A, Milviz, Quality Wings, Carenado, etc. etc. etc. though.

Gentlemen, gentlemen, you are forgetting THE MOST important difference: The visual aspect of it. You can see the whole world as it really is. This is a paramount achievement !!!

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what is funny about this topic to me is that I remember when discussions around flight sims used to center on the aspects of flight, flight modeling, and the appearance of the aircraft models.
People would ask “why care at all about the clouds, the water and the terrain in a flight sim?? it’s about the airplanes!”
…even though in those days the airplanes looked like they were built of lego bricks…

Now we see the pendulum has swung (at least for some MSFS 'ers) to where the world and its environs are the centerpiece and the airplanes can be (almost) whatever…

The only constant really throughout all the iterations of flight sim is that a significant portion of people in the community are ferocious advocates of what they like about it, almost hostile regarding what they hate about it and clear on the point that folks who dont agree with them are totally wrong about it.
That’s the thing that never changes regardless of graphical, technical, or other improvements.

The main takeaway I have between FSX and MSFS2020 is that the new sim seems to have been inspired by the addition of PG and bing maps rendered on the fly - purely visual improvements.
However - in a clear and typical misunderstanding of what’s important even in their own ‘backyard’ as it were - they left out the most critical feature of the visual-centric flight sim: The FLY-BY view. Ironic as hell.
So not only did flight dynamics, systems modeling, and much of what is basic to the processes and procedures of flight take a backseat to the visual aspects of flight simulation in MSFS’s rollout - but they even left out the very best way to appreciate the eye candy they decided to emphasize.

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