FSX Import Showcase

In the future I would love to create and release a FSX Legacy pack with a bunch of freeware aircraft. Of course with permission of the original creators. I have still yet to tweak all the handling stuff as right now the ports I have done use handling information from aircraft of the 2020 sim. FSX aircraft are missing quite a few new values in the 2020 version so it’s trying to find this information and it’s a bit of a challenge.


Anyone here know the value in the .cfg file to edit for avoiding landing gear clipping through ground please ?

Maybe i might be thinking too far ahead but, since we can import models, can we also import traffic models for our ai traffic?

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Pretty much the same process I believe but isAirTraffic = 0 ; airtraffic flag for variations in the aircraft.cfg

Yes 3d gauges will comvert with no issues as long as their is no 2d lcd screen like the gps gauge has.

If the landing gear and the entire model sits too low then you need to update the [CONTACT_POINTS]
from the aircraft.cfg. But from what i tested legacy planes seem to be fine.

Maybe i am not clear on what your issue is.

Hey Guys, have a problem i created all folders like the Sample from SDK, only information from the console is fail and cant find…i followed the instructions of the SDK and the asset builder found nothing… try thhis 2 days without success, can anyone help ? :tired_face:

Contact points - first three cover the landing gear, just increase the distance a little and re-compile.

If this fails, check static_cg height entry - could be a little low.

Can I ask in return how you’re getting jets and BMP gauges to work? Jets remain static for me ( piston engined airplanes are fine ) and gauges at this time do not display.

Cheers :slight_smile:

I’ve been speaking to @a3616 on Discord. The gauges he has only contain one panel.cfg file, no cab files etc. I have no understanding of the gauge files myself as I have never played FSX or any other flight sim but I thought that was a little odd?

It may be that the gauge files simply need to be in a certain folder in MSFS - I did test this with a couple of wild guesses, but no joy. I suspect that @a3616 has figured out where to put them.

My aircraft come out like this out of the box , did not mess with gauges xd

In FSX, panel directory can store panel.cfg and CAB files but CAB files can be also “dezipped” in order to obtain a directory which named as the CAB file and which contains MXL gauges and BMP files.
It is perhaps a solution …

One question: is it possible to use SharpDevelop in place of Visual Studio 2019 to compile your project ? I never work on sharp :innocent:

Anyone figured out how to get a Jet aircraft running? I’ve tried many different things, including borrowing all config files from the CJ4 that is included, still without any luck.

Do those have fully working cockpits? If so they look amazing! I would love if you could send me a message on discord, I would like to have someone to talk to about conversions, you can add me @ sergeikat01#1820

Id like to try my hand at getting a few planes moved over do we need the source file or is there a simple port job

Same here. Piston engined airplanes run out of the box, but not jets - can’t see what’s making the difference.

that Widow looks sweet, can’t wairt to try it. I’m gonna port some of my stuff when I can, for no I’m just learning

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Can somebody provide a step-by-step of how to do this please?


i too would wish those with some sucess would share their findings.

ive managed to get fsx aircraft into fs2020 and seem to work but no mesh or texures are visible.

the tool doesnt seem to convert the mdl meshes.

any tips?

if anyone wants to know what i did to get to where i am, ill hapilly post here.

sharing is good.


Seems like this could make importing models easier when its updated.