I was losing altitude. I’ll look into later of life allows
Looks like icing was my issue, flying from Greenland to Canada middle of the night, could see much out the winod at all
That would explain it. I’ve not looked into icing in MSFS much yet, beyond one initial encounter in the Zlin Shock Ultra which reminded me that I should keep an eye on the outside temperature. The DA62 isn’t certified for flying into “known or forecast icing conditions”, and the manual says to “Leave the icing area (by changing altitude or turning back)” if you get it accidentally. Wise advice, but probably not much help if you are in the middle of nowhere (or worse, two-thirds of the way across ) , in the dark, on a leg with limited fuel.
I just experienced the same in the DA62 (I’m doing a round-the-world trip in it). The LH and RH fuel pumps do nothing at all. Ran out of fuel with empty main tanks and full aux tanks. Luckily I was at 18,000 ft when I ran dry, so I had time to manually delete the 37 gallons from the reserve and put them in the main tanks with the Fuel & Weights menu, and restart the engines. C’mon Asabo, this should be an easy code-fix.
As for most efficient flight regime, for my round-the world trip i’ve experimented a bit, and and have come up with a few handy nautical MpG numbers (based on true airspeed) at 18,000 feet.
At 100% throttle, 193kn TAS, 24.1 nmpg, 2.0 deg nose-up
80% throttle, 172kn TAS, 28.7 nmpg, 2.5 deg nose-up
75%, 166kn TAS, 29.6 nmpg, 2.8 deg nose-up
70%, 158kn TAS, 31.6 nmpg, 3.0 deg nose-up
65%, 150kn TAS, 33.3 nmpg, 4.0 deg nose-up
60%, 142kn TAS, 34.6 nmpg, 4.5 deg nose-up
Below 60% it seems to start to struggle a bit to hold altitude, and in any case patience is not one of my virtues - I wanna get there.
The interesting thing is the range. With 79 gallons of fuel and a nice gentle climb, you should be able to easily do legs of 2500 nautical miles. The range given on the Aircraft Selection page is basically at full throttle all the way.
Edit —
Noticed a weird bug… When descending from 18000 at a slow 200 fpm, my fuel consumption during the descent jumps from 6 GpH to 7.9. WTF???
To transfer fuel, you use the switches at the back of the centre console, behind the fuel crossfeed/cutoff levers. The fuel pump switches on the instrument panel are for backup pumps for the main tanks, and aren’t connected to the aux tanks at all. These switches should be off most of the time (and as far as I can tell, don’t achieve anything useful in-sim if turned on).
Ahhhh, never saw those. Thanks buddy, I know I will be using those on my round-the-world.
For those who are interested, I started at Ushuaia at the bottom of South America, and after a couple of stops am crossing over to Ascension Island, and on to Africa, Europe, Siberia, cross over to Alaska, and then all the way back down the West Coast of the Americas back to Tierra Del Fuego.
I originally wanted to do it in a Cessna 172, but it just doesn’t have the legs.
Enjoy your trip! I started mine in the da62 as well although a very different route to yours.
Like you, I also was trying to use different fuel pump switches and would fall from the sky with a full aux tank!
Perhaps I can help with your wishes of proper fuel flows
Take plenty of fuel as the airfield at Ascension Island is missing! You’ll find the navigation aids are there, but no Wide awake airfield…
LOL Thanks for the warning! I was planning for that leg tonight. I’ll make sure to spawn at the island I head for before attempting the flight, just to have a look around .
There’s apparently a freeware Ascension airport add-on:
No idea if it’s any good. Seems to be a work in progress, but as long as you can land, and take off again, it’ll get you across the Atlantic. Otherwise, your next option is probably via Fernando De Noronha (SBFN) .
Yes, only marginally further that way than via Ascension.
lol…no sorry to COD. I am having too much fun enjoying the simulation after taking the time to learn it !
try it you will love FS2020!
Just landed at ZPPP. The airport is there, but no runways or tarmac! ILS and approaches are all working… You just look at the DME and say, “Two miles still can’t see nothin”.
I just landed it in a field and called it a proper landing.
If you look at satellite pics, that IS the Airport building.
Edit: I just respawned at ZPPP to continue my flight, and spawned at another airport a few miles away, with yellow X’s painted all along the runway. Looks like they built a new airport and Asabo is having construction delays, LOL.
Yup, there are quite a few airport oddities. I landed at an airport in Brazil the other day that the world map didn’t seem to know about. It had yellow Xs, indicating it was closed, but had aircraft parked, along with fuel trucks etc.
What was the flight over the hump like? I’ve done it in X-Plane in a C-47, using authentic navigation (no GPS, just compass, clock, and map) though admittedly in better weather than was typical for WW2.
It was very interesting for me, because my grandfather “flew the Hump” for a year in 42-43, mainly in command of a C109 (tanker version of the B-24), ending the war as a USAAF Captain. He never liked to talk about it, but a few of the stories I remember from him were things like the fact that during that year he had exactly 12 roommates - every one of them died over the Hump, leading him to be known as bad luck to be roomed with. Also horror stories about often being attacked by allied night fighters, who could not tell the difference. And of course the stories of having to fly for hours at night over terrain you know is impossible to land on, in an fully loaded airplane barely capable of flying on 4 engines, straining your ears to hear the slightest hickup or misfire in any of the engines.
Flying over the area in FS 2020 gave me a better idea of what he was talking about. The mountains are not that terribly high, at least on the direct route, but I think they had to fly a bit further north to avoid Japanese fighters based in Burma, where the mountains are higher and the distance is a lot further. On the route I took, minimum safe altitude was around 15 or 16,000 feet. The problem is what happens if you were damaged and had to put it down somewhere. There is NOWHERE to land. The valleys are twisty ravines, and there is no flat surface anywhere – even in perfect whether I doubt the best pilots in the world could crash land without killing everyone. I flew a couple of hours (on the shortest route) where literally, if you could not maintain 15,000 feet, you were toast, especially at night or bad weather. And as I said, they probably flew further north, where the terrain looks exactly the same, but higher. Nowhere to land for hours.
My grandfather transferred to B-29s in 1944, and was actually based at Tinian when the Atomic Bomb mission flew from there (he knew nothing about it at the time). Funny enough, he hated the B-29 - he thought it was a deathtrap.
Your grandfather was a brave man.