Full G1000 control now with Mobiflight

That is true… But in the case of the stock aircraft (C172 and Bonanza) adjusting the Kohlsman adjusted the altimeter setting in the G1000. I will need to play with this to see what to do, maybe a user property to decide which Event to drive.

This is a mixed bag and very inconsistent across planes.

The ideal situation, and the most realistic is that the KOHLSMAN_INC/DEC should only adjust the plane’s barometer (the actual Kohlsman). The MOBIFLIGHT.AS1000_PFD_BARO_INC/DEC should independently adjust the pressure setting in the Garmin. We should have to set them both separately, as they’re 2 separate instruments in a plane.

But it doesn’t work that way in the sim. In some (most) planes, the Kohlsman commands adjust both the Garmin and the plane’s baro . In others, it will adjust the Garmin, but not the plane’s baro setting. In others, it doesn’t work for either.

As an example, on the TBM, the KOHLSMAN commands set the G3000, but not the plane’s baro. But the push button BAROMETER simconnect command will (unrealistically) set it to the correct pressure.

It’s a complete mess. And really, there’s nothing you can do code-wise to fix the mess Asobo has made here unless you address specific planes independently. They have to fix their planes to make them all work the same. That’s what it comes down to.

When @pmb2019 brlowe1965 told me aboput this last night I immediately began to wonder if this would be the case. For now here is how I plan to handle it. I’ll create a user property called Set Altimeter and it will be a droplist [enum] that will have 3 values Kohlsman, G1000, Both. It can be easily extended later on. it will provide some flexibility users may need for now It is not complete but it is within my abilities to address. It will be in the update, I’ll push out tonight. Hopefully it will fix this issue for now and help pilots get past this problem.

He had the right idea in his code. Have one event that fires both. This may be difficult and in some planes, it may double up the commands if both those events are recognized by both barometers. Asobo did a really lousy job at implementing this.

And in fairness, Carenado did the same with their C182. Neither command (KOHLSMAN nor the AS1000_PFD_BARO) work with it. The only thing you can do is press the button to (unrealistically) set it to ambient pressure.

Does FSUIPC7 show any event triggered if you press the button in Carenado C182?

I don’t know. Didn’t realize you can do that with FSUIPC. Can you see it with the free version? That’s all I have.

Yep I think you can ypu just need to show the console output I think. It is about all I know how to do with it so far. :wink:

OK I can haz a fix for the Baro issue, I only have stock aircraft & they all use both methods it seems, so I cannot fully test G1000 only option. I would appreciate it if you could test with an aircraft you have problems with. Look in the Overlay user properties for a new dropdown property to set. The Logic.lua file is here.

Backup your existing file and drop this one in its place.


I only have it because other plugins need it. lol I know you can do a lot more with the pay version, but know nothing about it.

I think the biggest offenders are the planes with the higher editions. The SR22 doesn’t recognize any of the baro commands, I believe. Neither does the Longitude if I remember correctly. Not at my computer atm to check it out.

The baro knob on the PFD and MFD use the KOHLSMAN_INC and KOHLSMAN_DEC events according to FSUIPC…and I observe the altitude changing…this is with the stock aircraft, no AM overlay.


Yep that is my experience also. At least the ones I tried. I have not purchased any aircraft at thus far. Mostly because I wanted to let the bugs shake out, but found the limits imposed by the stock G1000 implementation were unacceptable and since it seemed Full Glass support was going to be a while away, I looked at alternatives instead. I now have a good setup for my needs.




I have a question or Probleme.

My FMS have only the big knobs and not the small and than i cant take the knobi?

I have the Profil g1000 make smaller, is that the problem?

what can i do

I want to get both small and big knoby on my fms

Does this Mobiflight module also support the G3X knobs in the XCub already?

Right now I have only the G1000 built out. Mobiflight has support for G3000 in their events list but I haven’t coded for it… yet!

It will be an overlay like the G1000 when I do, with its own code module. The challenge with custom aircrafdt is that if they impelment their own glass cockpit they may well code their own event support and do not expose an API or publish the events for it.

The good thing with FS2020 is that when WASM use becomes widespread it may become easier to interact with the aircraft systems of custom aircraft. But that is really unknown at this stage.

Not sure what the Profil G1000 is.
If it is using standard Simconnect events or Mobiflight we should be able to make stuff work
I’ll need to know if the onscreen controls generate events in FSUIPC7.

But the G3000 is something different than the G3X I guess? As I’m using the Python Simconnect for the Mobiflight simconnect events, the G3000 should be OK.

yep you are right. The G3x is much more touch screen than the 3000. Do any of the stock aircraft have G3x glass?

JMB VL-3 and King Air have it. There are no external controls in those planes. It’s all touch screen control.

Is the G3x Touchscreen control just as functionally limited as the G1000?

Somwhat. I don’t really fly the planes that use it often, and I’ve been using the Working Title G3X mod, so offhand, I can’t really remember how limited it is. lol Plus, the rare times I fly a plane with it, I use my Logitech AP panel and Stream Deck, so I don’t really use the touch screen much if at all.