G1000 on all Prop Planes Still Cuts off After 2 Minutes

Pretty sure I’ve found the fix for this.

I had the same problem: screens turning off a few minutes into the flight, only with G1000 aircraft, and only when the TCA Throttle Quadrant is connected.

Solution: edit the throttle mapping, and unset the “SET STARTER 1/2/3/4” engine instruments.

To do this:

  1. Open the control options page.
  2. Select the TCA Q-ENG input device
  • you might want to choose or create a custom profile only for these G1000 aircraft so that the following changes don’t adversely affect other aircraft
  1. Find the “SET STARTER” assignments
  2. Click on the white boxes marked “JOYSTICK BUTTON …”
  3. Click on “CLEAR CURRENT INPUT” to clear the assignment
  4. Click on “VALIDATE” to confirm you want no assignment

I did upgrade to the latest firmware first, but that didn’t fix it. I needed to clear the assignments as above.

Tested with Sim Update 10 on Windows 10, Thrustmaster TA320 flightstick and TCA Throttle Quadrant.