G1000 range/zoom knob not working with "Locked" cockpit interaction mode

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Brief description of the issue:
As the title says, the range/zoom button does not highlight and cannot be used to change the range of the map.

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It doesn’t work in legacy mode either. The “Locked” mode actually seem to point where the problem is:
Since the knob is not highlighted in “Locked” mode I assume that the clickspot accidently got deleted.

Oh, so this was broken in 1.18.*? It used to work in the past (at least zoom did).

I think I found the problem…

Do you happen to have any of the Working Title Mods installed?
Specifically both the old G1000 AND the new G1000 NXi?
If so, delete the G1000 and ONLY use the G1000 Nxi. That should fix the problem.

Looks like they released an update to the Legacy G1000 (0.4.1) that fixes the issue.


Did you get v4.1 to work on your end? I’m trying to use it with the G36 but I get no display from either the PFD nor MFD.

A post was split to a new topic: Help with G1000 Range Knob on MFD