G36 Improvement Project

Hi, thanks for your reply. scenery load was fine. Turns out the issue was I was using a third party livery. On default it was fine. I’ve contacted the livery creator, and it’s been fixed

To rename the folder need also to change some row inside config files or not?

Nope, the mod’s main folder name is not included anywhere in the config files.

Is it possible to make the window defrost work ? I’m trying to fly IFR in north EU and everything freezing up above 8000 ft :smiley: would be nice to deice the windows :smiley:

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I don’t think this function is it the game from the digging I did. De ice is, however. Needs more research.

There are other aircraft that has working window defrost, so it should be possible.

Which ones? Sure its not deice? Deice works.

I could be mistaken, but didn’t see a functional defrost in the base package planes.

Kingair 350 for example and all the big birds have windshield deice/defog.

Deice is fluid based. That works. We could trick the code some how, but all the defrost which is engine heat based is in op and in the code is marked todo

In the g36 is just blows hot air on in inside as far as I know. From MSFS standpoint several aircraft have window deice that works, kingair winshield was fixed previous patch, it was even in the patch notes.

So Ye I was also thinking the same by “faking” it, since it is just hot air it should be a low power deice under the hood.

I was trying to figure out the deice system from the sdk. prop engine and structure deice is simply setup, but the windshiled one I found only the animations in the xmls :frowning:

The G36 isn’t certified for flight in known icing conditions, the window defroster is to keep the windshield from fogging up during cold weather operations, not to prevent windshield ice. It won’t function nearly as effectively as aircraft with actual heating elements in the windshield.


Yes ofc, this is all true. I’m just asking for this for immersion and after I got iced maybe help the window clear up a bit faster than the rest of the body, just to help me see outside.

If you’re really going for immersion don’t fly an aircraft not rated for known icing into ice :wink:


Ye like it never happens in RL :smiley: what about unknown icing condition ?
Also in reality heat melts ice :wink:

No worries

I also had a few issues with liveries - just make sure they load before our Mod, mine is like this:

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I’ve had my share of scares in icing. The window defrost was never enough to clear ice from a plastic unpressurized single aircraft window, it’s still too cold on the outside to melt it. Had to get to a higher OAT. Luckily what I fly now has known ice w/ electric windshield and still, the copilot window stays iced with the defrost on…

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Thx for the info, does it help at all with melting it ? when back in higher OAT? or it is useless ?

It does seem to help speed things up a bit once you get there, but the key is always getting to above freezing temps, otherwise you can get enough ice on the wings or tail so that clearing the window just lets you see where you’re going to hit. https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC_91-74B.pdf has a lot of good info about icing in general. Worth the read.


Is there a way I can increase the brightness of the taxi light? Realistic or not, I can’t find my way off the apron!

Great work adn we thank you for taking the time to support the community and offer such great improvements.

May I make a suggestion. Can you please add the version number to the download folder or a readme file?

I know I can do this manually when I download but I think it would be easier to keep track if the file itself had the version number in it. Just a suggestion.

Thank you

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