GAIST Global AI Ship Traffic V5 and Great Lakes

will pass this directly to our DataProvider, it will improve their service as well, so best if they fix it on the ServerSide.


Wow the sim vs real life comparison is impressive. :heart_eyes:


@BeefierAnt8902 - still in Amsterdam I seeā€¦ :smiley:


Donā€™t tell his wife! Irish Sea is the story, ok :stuck_out_tongue:


wow, amazing. this is so real to life. Henrik you ae a true artist. The dirt, cranes, lifeboatsā€¦speachless.
signing off today, but I will follow here now in the sim, once see sets sailā€¦


Ha lol, I live in Amsterdam, so she probably knows _:wink:


Ohhhhā€¦ I fly over Rotterdam IRL on a regular base. This will be awesome!

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NO! It must be perfect!

Flying southern approaches into Changi or Haneda, especially at night, could be something truly amazingā€¦ !

Good point, for Changi I guess we will then need to go to the addon scenery dev and ask to remove all static ships, otherwise it will be a mess.

Just like MSFS :wink:

Exactly. Clouds not exctly like outside? UNPLAYABLE!


And not forgetting the nighttime stars donā€™t have the right type of twinklyness :scream:

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Thatā€™s but really unrealistic - the simulated starry sky shows way too much stars - with naked eyes that are not absolutely darkness adapted you wonā€™t see most of them. And they look too blurry. Twinkling would automatically come from the imperfect aniatliasing if the stars were small, bright pixels.

:rofl: ā€œUse DLSS in the lowest quality setting for the most immersive starsā€

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Yeah, it currently is a (relatively low res) bitmap. It can especially be seen when zooming in. But then again, I wouldnā€™t want to waste too much CPU cycles on calulating the stars.

Anyway, offtopic :slight_smile:

Is it possible that I havenā€™t had any ships since SU 11?

Remove all other Mods in Community Folder except for GAIST. Double check ship traffic setting is above 6 on the slider.

Ahh could it be that the slider has shifted under SU11? I hadnā€™t paid attention to that.

Many folks reporting some of their settings were changed or reset after SU11 left Beta earlier.