With only 17 replies here so far and currently only 8 votes on the “ending long flights” CTD thread, I wonder if not enough people are trying long flights (anymore??). Or I wonder if many others are not having CTD’s.
I was having CTD’s, but not anymore since patch#1, proving my system is fine, unlike the claims of so many who were thinking otherwise.
I have been avoiding the airliners altogether because they are irritating to me. I have flown some 4 hour 172 G1000 flights (kept the sim running and off to another flight - no exit to menu - that kind of situation), and its been fine all day (about 16 hours), since Patch # 1. I/we know airliner flights make a huge difference in a stability test because of speed, distance, and complexity of cockpits/systems.
A flight sim, which has the whole world and 748/787 as available default selections, must be stable. It simply will not matter if PMDG and FSL develop for MSFS, because if MSFS cannot “endure” 4-16 hour (multi-leg or single leg) sessions with ease, the add-ons become useless to a large degree (i.e. virtual airlines/Vatsim). Of course we will have to do our part with a PC that is up to it, but stability is a make or break issue for any major flight simulator.
I surely hope Patch #2 solves this stability/CTD issue for all affected, because if stability is an issue for long haul airliner flights in MSFS, it is not likely MSFS will succeed.
Once Patch #2 is released, I intend to test the 748 on some long hauls (one after another - no exit to menu). In other words I will fly, park, fly ect., no exit to menu, sleep, wake, then fly, park, fly, ect., until I can’t anymore. If I can go for a week I will be quite happy, if I CTD within a week I will intend to report (hopefully vote) here. Of course Patch #2 will need to have fixed the airliner systems to a reasonably acceptable level to me.
Yes I do have a life, but I can “pause” real life for flight simming as necessary. Once in the sim, pausing the sim is not an option for me.