Game Crash after long flights

Sometimes it crashes even on the ground, when entering the flight plan. I have a high-end computer configuration, this update has a big problem.

You’re not alone in terms of unstable long haul flights. Using the 787, I experienced CTD just using the TRAVEL TO function to get from Cruise to Descent mode. When not CTD, fuel runs out and autopilot settings get randomly changed upon respawning. I don’t bother doing a long haul in real time as I know what the outcome will be - no need to live that frustration. Reported this to ZenDesk already as a bug report. This is not hardware related but a buggy software.

Yes I understand and you are correct.

Once I establish how long MSFS can go in days at a time, I will check the more practical day to day approach as you lay out.

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I suspect a bug that especially affects users with slow internet. I myself have slow but steady 16 MBit download speed and large airfields like KJFK cause 50 percent crash of the simulator. No matter if I want to start the flight there or land there. In the case of KJFK, these crashes are very rare when America is asleep, so there are few online planes there. But even switching off all online planes improved the crash rate only from 50 to 10 percent. Apparently reloading the scenery from the internet also causes crashes.

My download is always Hard wired 212.24 on the PC I run the sim on.

I just tested @ 156.45 Mbps

It’s not slow internet. I have gigabit internet. Numerous speedtests show a solid 930mbit down and 30 up with >3ms latency. This isn’t program related either. I’ve closed every single program running including those run on startup under my username and I crash.

I’ve monitored memory and though I think it is possibly a memory leak since I’m hitting 24gb used memory, i still have some left to spare. I’ve increased page files, updated gfx drivers.

I’ve stopped doing anything but short airport hops because it becomes pointless todo anything anymore. I’m feeling burnout just trying.

I put a link in an above post you can add your vote.

Just happened to me… Not that long a flight, maybe 45 minutes, but in VERY dense scenery. NYC area. Westchester airport, flew south to NYC. Cessna 172. High settings… Getting very smooth framerate. Looked great then CTD. Never happened to me before, but I’ve never flown over such a dense area for even that long.
Intel i7 6700
16gb ram
Gtx 1080
Regular hard drive.
Fast internet connection.
Very disappointing.
Hope we find a solution.

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Have the same procesor, with 32gb ram and RTX 2080. Get the pc to freeze … the last time i used it wasd in 5-10 min, …some times more…

What is very strange is that, …this happened to me since day one, and when i was about to ask for a particular solution or ask for refund ( as i don’t want to be expecting patch every week just to see if it solves or not the problem…) it was fixed doing something that others recommended: Turn turbo boost off. When i did that, i did flight from 12hs a couple of times, …played a lot with all external views that made always the crash to happend earlier, etc… This worked for about 4 or 5 days until it started to crash again, but now, …the turbo boost is off.

The next i will try is to set the power management to “High power” instead of “Maximum power” as i don’t recall if i was running in that moder or not…
Anyway, …all of this is a partial solution, as …99,9% is a game problem i think.

Some thing with me, 2 hour flight in the TBM then when on approach to land - CTD. Few days later (today) roughly 1.5 hour flight in the Cessna Longitude - CTD. Both times the landings were in major cities slowing the frame rate and they seemed to occur as the full airport was rendering (i was around 1-2 miles from airports both times).

Which GPU u guys use?

Everyone Nvidia or people with AMD GPU here?

How u guys land? direct GPS or via ILS approach?

For me:
Nvidia 1070ti

Both times for me it was a GPS landing.

4th flight & 5th long distance flight.
2,5 hours and 6,5 hours
game crashes at landing

I’ll contact microsoft for a refund.

Same problem here…

7 hour from Dubai to Heathrow
5 hour from Hong Kong to Tokyo
and more long flights

All flights crashed on approaching (ILS) less than 3nm from the runway…

So frustrating… :tired_face:

Microsoft Flight Simulator most likely have a memory leak issue. I would suggest restart the game at least every three to five hours to prevent CTD or FPS drops or stutters or other problems due to this issue. Asobo need to address it.

I properly got a solution

STEP 1 for PC change:
1st: turned off overclocking (CPU, GPU & RAM)
2nd: set the game app at the graphics on high priority (win 10 graphic settings)

STEP 2 for game settings:
1st: only play on 1920x1080P (display change)
2nd: disable VSYNC

1st long distance flight: Frankfurt to JFK again and the game didn’t crashed
2nd long distance flight: Leipzig to Cairo and the game didn’t crashed

After an +8 hour flight:

  1. Airport textures started to fail to render
  2. Runway had elevation issues (cracks in the runway)
  3. ATC comms started for fail by not being able to reply back to ATC
    see image below.
    B787 flight from EDDL - KSAN

Yes, happens all the time just before airport approach, engine dies no control only elevator etc. please fix, I know it’s not my pic was working fine up until last two major updates.

My game crashes to desktop after long flights 3h+, no warning no laggin just straight to desktop.
Ryzen 3600x, 16gig ram 2070 super