What’s the source for Sunday? That is super exciting.
IGN and gamespot
This is my feedback on the matter:
I don’t think its “hate”, but there is a sense of injustice. Where is XP, DCS, AF2, or P3D at E3? Any booths? No. Would they be welcome? No. Why? Because they are flight simulators more than they are games.
It took a graphical flying game to get the attention of NVidia and E3. But flight simmers are still waiting for MSFS to be a sim for flight simmers, and there is no solid indication that it will ever happen, just talk about how difficult it is and “plans” (2 years of empty talk so far) to make it a sim for simmers.
Flight simmers are not complaining about the most welcome “VFR” (loose term usage) qualities of MSFS…this was inevitable eventually, but at the expense of “IFR” (again loosely), so an Xbox version can succeed at E3? Priorities are clear.
If MSFS carried the tradition of being a flight sim 1st, and possibly a game to toy around with for the curious 2nd, then there would not be an Xbox version, and it certainly would not be featured at E3. Too much time to fix so many “IFR” basics/fundamentals would make an Xbox version not practical…but no.
I wont dispute the fact that more customers could be good, flight simmers welcome gamers as new flight simmers. But gamers do not welcome flight simmers at all, if they did, there would not be any “hate” (injustice) at all.
There are still so many airports missing in MSFS but there is an Xbox version coming sooner than major airports…a valid reason for what anybody would call “hate”…, this is called a flight simulator, right? And why does Working Title even have to exist? Because there are so many basic flaws, all because an Xbox version takes precedence. Don’t get me wrong I welcome 3rd parties, but not to fix basics. And that is what many of the 3rd parties are doing in the MSFS case, while an Xbox version is being developed.
We have to wait and see what comes of this Xbox version and how the development of the PC version continues.
I don’t hate gamers but gamers do hate me, I have lived this for decades.
I personally am enjoying MSFS well enough at the moment and I understand the “business” aspect that MS/Asobo has to balance, but there is an injustice to flight simmers like it or not.
ain’t happening on June 15.
what makes you think that
What makes you think XP DCS,AF2 or P3D not games? I have used every single platform and taught I was an expert until I jumped in a real plane on my first day and fly you its like learning to hand fly from scratch. I don’t see how being flight simmers make us elite or special from gamers!
Microsoft has been in the flight simulator industry before the others even existed and Microsoft being a popular company its bound to have more attention.
The extra attention Microsoft gets is a good thing. Possibly stir an entire generation into the interest of Aviation and If couldn’t afford a PC I would be heading straight to the XBOX route.
The FAA disagrees with you, so does Sporty’s academy and many flight schools in the USA.
Hand flying in real life is so much easier than on a PC simulation. Just like driving a car in real life is easier than on a PC sim.
I don’t see how being gamers makes them elite or special from flight simmers either.
And like I have said already, we flight simmers are still waiting for hundreds if not thousands of airports that are still totally missing from MSFS. So my point of a lacking of extra attention for flight simmers is not a good thing…an injustice…been going on for many many years, but gamers don’t have to be concerned about such things, they’re even first in the flight sim realm now as well.
It’s very simple in my book:
Flight Simulation is a genre of videogames. Like many other Simulation genres. Actually, most videogames simulato something to a certain extent.
IMHO, if you are not using any of the Flight Sims to officially train for your professional pilot career, you are playing a videogame.
I really have no idea why some people have problems admitting they are gaming.
It’s a normal past time hobby for people like many other things. Better than to just watch TV if you ask me.
A small part of people that play Flight Sims are even adding a Pilot Roleplay on top. Building Home Cockpit, wearing a Captain’s Hat, talking to Vatsim and so on. All the power to them. Roleplaying is fun !
My feedback:
I truly believe that the MSFS development team has excellent intentions. And like I said I’m enjoying MSFS for now, while we wait for fixes, advertised features, and any possible surprises.
There may be some commonalities between games and simulations, but no game simulates the whole earth to scale. The same is true for the likes of Space Engine, no game simulates the universe like it does. Both in a class all by themselves, both sold on Steam.
I understand the economics of the Xbox version, but it contributes to the reduction of realism that was progressing from the 80’s until about early to mid 2000’s. That is when graphics took precedence over realism and its getting worse year by year…turning more into a game. Yes maybe more popular, but the line between game and sim is slowly being eliminated at a terrible cost to the flight simmer.
There is a distinct difference between flight simmers and gamers, they have their annual “E3” shows, and flight simmers have their own annual shows. Never mixed in the past until MSFS. Gamers have not had to give up features for flight simmers, but flight simmers seem to have to give up features for gamers. So there is a distinction that should not be ignored, but it is, and very few see it.
If the Xbox version (or PBR, Ray Tracing, Shadows, etc.) did not affect realism there would be no problem. I mean the advancements in realism ‘back in the day’ did not affect the graphics advancements. There was a balance…equal justice.
As usual flight simmers have to wait in stagnation, but gamers do not have to wait, games keep progressing with features and graphics balanced. Before long games will simulate planet size to scale and gamers can play a murderer or a thief with all the graphics and realism, while flight simmers may have some paper airplane models on a small island, but at least the trees will sway.
Perhaps this Xbox version will be an experiment gone good and realism can finally start to play an equal part once this milestone has been reached. But if things keep going as they have been for 20+ years, realism in flight simulation will eventually die to a photography game.
Today’s E3 Announcement states XBox version will release 27-July. Please join the Main thread to continue conversations about the console launch. Thanks.