Gamestop showing MSFS for Xbox Series X/S releasing on 15th of June (next Tuesday)

The Xbox hate from some on this forum is really a bit tedious.

The series X is a significantly more capable machine than the average gaming PC currently (as per steam surveys for example where the 1060 and similar are still king), and likely more capable than the PCs from which some of these people post their PC master race “being dumbed down for console” rhetoric. It also has support for the full suite of DX12U features which some of the PC users with older cards won’t have. The way some people go on you’d think they were talking about the Xbox one or even 360!

It is also more than capable of having a HOTAS plugged in, and can also support a keyboard and mouse. By no metric is it a sub standard platform! The only thing you miss out on is content outside of the marketplace store, which will become less and less of an issue as the freeware sections and scenery gateway come online. We have already seen the marvellous A32NX from FBW come to the store and that is just the start.

More than ever in these days of ridiculous GPU prices, the Xbox series X is a perfectly valid and indeed in some ways more sensible route for someone that wants to play MSFS… and I say that as the owner of a high end PC. The notion that it’s “all kiddies” that play Xbox is also plainly wrong, with previous MS internal research showing for example Xbox one demographic being most heavily populated in the 25-34 age bracket followed next by the 35-44 bracket! Link

I really hope that once the release is out the way we can move past this nonsense, but I suspect it’ll still be made the scapegoat for any failings (whether real or imagined) of the sim by some.


In the update they posted in order to announce the new flighting:
“This build does not include any content changes but has significant performance updates we’d love for you to try out and provide feedback on.”

Hope it helps!


It’s a tribal thing and usually P3D or X-Plane vs MSFS but now it’s ‘PC Masterrace 120fps’ vs ‘Console 30fps omg ewww keep them away from our game they ruin everything!’

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I don’t think I can explain why some have the issue you describe and others don’t. It’s a complex ecosystem of a simulator with many online parts that all need to work in tandem - that’s all I can think of, I guess combined with the myriad of different hardware and pc set ups. Understand why this is frustrating though

Agree completely, along with the rhetoric that the “gamers on xbox” aren’t in for the long haul “once they discover they can’t blow things up” sweeping generalisations. This new audience for flight simming could be the very group that are the flight simmers of the future and help to keep this franchise alive for the next 30 years and not just 10.

Trying to somehow keep or create a closed shop for “serious simmers” is very short sighted and is counter to MS/Asobos laudable aim of leaving no simmer behind.


Agree :100:. Surely it is a wonderful thing when the cost and barrier for entry is lowered, with the effect that the hobby you know and love is opened up for more to experience. The Xbox will be a gateway to a lifelong love of flight Sims for many who would otherwise not have a chance to discover it. Bravo Microsoft and Asobo, I say!


WORD! so tired of the negativity.


Someone needed to say this. Thank you!


Yes but you’re referring to a bargain basement developer who’s business model is to churn out garbage and make BS claims about making products for everyone to enjoy🙄

That’s some hubris there to have the self belief that everyone would lower their standards enough to buy the stuff

Still, the group of people that throw money at them along with the cheerleaders singing their praises are free to keep enjoying their products

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It definitely gets worse nearer to the poles, but I see it quite clearly flying over south Florida and the Bahamas.

Keep posts on-topic and not on each other.

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Apparently it already can be pre-loaded on XSX

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It’s been on the game pass phone app for like a month. I keep telling it to download….one day it actually will…

Doesn’t anyone expect to hear the news from Xbox Game Studios first?
Until that happens, everything else is just clickbait.

The flight simulator 2020 guide is now available on xbox store (series x) which is a new addition

I assume the game itself will launch tomorrow after the Microsoft presentation is over or it may launch after they show the flight simulator trailer during the presentation

While I’m obviously quietly hopeful that this might be the case, my head says somehow the July 20th date seems more realistic.

…really hope to be wrong though :joy:

Where did you get that information

It was a post on Reddit originally from a Japanese site I think .

Well in the USA all signs seem to be pointing to a Sunday release but will see who’s source is credible soon enough