Garmin G1000 NXi Issues and Support

Hi All,

I am flying the C172 G1000 VFR. When enroute I set a direct-to. After a while I want to delete the direct-to and enter a new FPL. But whatever I do, it keep flying to the direct-to.

When looking at the direct-to page the last direct-to is active while I have an active FPL.


If I delete the FPL then the route IVLUT > EHAM is removed but still the direct-to EHLE is there and can’t be removed.

Is this a bug or user error. I use the G1000 often but never had that problem.


I tested another example. Here is what I did

  • Start the Cessna from scratch at EHLE (Netherlands)
  • Within G1000, I choose direct-to EHAM
  • Then I choose FPL and set origin EHLE, enroute the waypoints OMORU and ALFEN and as destination EHRD

I know normally you don’t put first a direct-to but this happens also when you are enroute and want to change the flightplan…

Result (see screenshot) but the flightplan is not shown on the map. Only the direct. I have no option to active the flightplan from the MENU.
